Page 34 - Living Epistles
P. 34

"Have faith of God..."

               Anyhow, the people were moving from town to town, by direct instructions
               from the Lord, telling them where they should go. Like in the days of old, they
               knew the place to go. Eventually they came to the border of China and there
               was a test.

               If you will remember, in the days of Israel as they were being led out from
               Egypt, the Lord told them when to start out and move. The Lord told them
               where to stop. They camped and stayed until the Lord told them to move.

               So then a time came for this group of about two or three hundred families who
               were moving south. They came to the border of Russia and China. There was
               a stopping place by the border of Russia and  China and  the people were
               praying all the time.

               Every day they were in prayer and saying, "Lord, what's next?" "Lord what do
               we have to do now?"

               And the Lord said, "My children, just wait and be patient and I'll tell you when
               to move."

               In the meantime they had to feed their children. They had left their cattle.
               They had left their horses. They had left their land. Everything was left behind.

               This was a small group from the whole of Russia; those who decided to pay the
               price of obedience and leave everything behind. Now wasn't this required of
               the apostles? Leave everything and follow me." Compare Luke 14:33.

               Now is that not the price that Christ requires of Christians even today? If
               anyone will not forsake of all what he has, he is not worthy to be my disciple."
               Luke 14:33 Wouldn't that commandment apply to us all even in this modern
               generation of the twentieth century?

               Well,  they  left  everything,  and  here  they  had  to  feed  children  and  these
               Russian families were with many children. So what did they have to do?

               They went searching for work here and there. They went into the orchards.
               They dug channels for irrigation and different things. Doing anything possible
               and everything trying to get a piece of bread.
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