Page 36 - Living Epistles
P. 36

their lands. It was 1931, 1932. Everything was peaceful, there was plenty, and
               so they said, "we will go back. This must not have been of the Lord." Even
               though the Lord had moved them supernaturally from city to city. They never
               had maps to move. There were no geographical maps in those days! So how
               would they have known what city to go to next, but they were brought to the
               border of another country! They knew it was of the Lord.

               Another uprising started and they began to murmur and complain and quite
               a big group decided to go back to their cattle, to their farming, their milk cows,
               the  warm  houses,  and  to  a  degree  of  comfort,  even  though  their  houses
               couldn't  compare  to  America  or  Canada  today.  But  still,  it  was  relatively

               So  they  were longing, in a sense, after the Egyptian days, like in days of
               Israelites. Did they not say, "let's get rid of Moses, let us put ourselves in new
               leaders, and let's go back to Egypt. We had things there differently, we had
               onion, we had garlic there, we had good things there and now here we will die
               in the wilderness." Numbers 14:1-4 Paraphrased.

               Isn't that the same spirit of unbelief, and the same spirit of murmuring that
               can be among people of God today? That was the case here.

               Following the Lord and His direction and His guidance is not always carpet
               and roses.

               Then during one of the prayers the Lord said, "My children, just be patient
               and humble yourselves and pray. I'm going to lead you to another country,
               and I'm going to save you from great trouble and great suffering. Just trust
               me. But if anybody returns, their children will be taken away from them, and
               their husbands will go to Siberia," The Lord said that right there on the border
               of China. "Also some of the mothers will eat the flesh of their babies if you

               In spite of that warning the majority returned. There were only about forty
               families left by the border; faithful to stay, to pray and fast and trust the Lord.
               Of course they were not starving. Yes! They had a piece of bread, but it was not
               very comfortable to live in the cave. It wasn't very comfortable to depend from
               day to day upon the Lord, because they had no secure jobs like you have. So,
               there was no security at all. The only security was in the Lord. They decided
               to trust, but the rest returned to Russia.
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