Page 40 - Living Epistles
P. 40

Once again they were on a big road. The Lord knew to lead them around the
               swamp, but the people wanted to go straight. So that's just an instance of how
               it is with the Lord when people want to disobey His word.

               Finally they came to China, and of course there were many miracles on the
               way as they were being led. I will just relate a few of them and proceed on.

               Each group was led on a different path and in different ways. One group, as it
               crossed into China, came into a little wilderness area which was completely
               desolate with just sand and nothing else. It was a literal wilderness with sand
               and no growth and no vegetation. They came to that wilderness and they had
               to walk through.

               The Lord said, "Just walk through. Go straight." So they were walking with
               children on foot. The children were crying. The heat of the sun was burning,
               and the water in their kettles ran out. They were walking for quite a long time.
               They were crying, "Lord, we are exhausted. We are thirsty, Lord. Our children
               are crying. Lord, what we are to do?" The brethren called the group to prayer.
               They knelt down as the Lord had taught them to.

               Our people were taught to pray kneeling down or standing. Never sitting up
               or lying down. That is to show that God is a Mighty God, King of kings. He's
               worthy of us bowing down.

               They bowed down before the Lord and they started to cry, "Lord, what do we
               do, Lord? We'll die in this wilderness, Lord, if You do not help us." Then the
               Lord told them, through the Holy Ghost, "My children, go so many steps to the
               right and dig."

               So they obeyed the Lord. The brethren obeyed the Lord. They went to the right
               as Lord directed, so many steps, and they started digging. They didn't hardly
               dig any, about a foot or so as my mother related, and the water came gushing
               out. They were praising the Lord and they were drinking and then they laid
               back on the sand, and they drank again. Everybody quenched their thirst.
               They filled their teapots, and they were glorifying and praising the Lord's
               Name, that He is even able to supply water in the wilderness where there was
               no water. So, only the Lord knew where the water was.

               So praise be to His name because the Living God, the God of the prophets of
               the days of old, the God of the apostles is the same still Living God today, in
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