Page 29 - Living Epistles
P. 29

Boris Sorokovsky

               The following is a remarkable excerpt from the testimony of Boris Sorokovsky.
               Boris’ family was from the Ukraine, from the area around Kiev. He shares how
               God  led  the  Christians  in  the  Ukraine  to  flee  their  homes  before  the
               Communists began a severe persecution in 1933 that resulted in the deaths of
               six  million  Ukrainians.  Those  who  heeded  the  voice  of  the  Spirit  were

               This testimony is very appropriate for this hour in America, for the Spirit is
               once more speaking to His people, and those who hear and  obey  will  be
               delivered, while those who do not listen, and do not obey will suffer those
               things that the Spirit is testifying are coming swiftly. What follows is written
               by Boris Sorokovsky.

               EVENTS IN RUSSIA

               The revolution took place in Russia in 1917 and Russia was in for 70 years of
               great darkness, of atheism and the authorities fighting against God. So the
               Lord, in His mercy and His providence, decided to send help to Russia and put
               up a standard there and bring the Light of the Gospel into Russia.
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