Page 31 - Living Epistles
P. 31

They were not eloquent people. They were not people with mighty speech.
               They were just simple farmers carrying the message and the power of the Holy
               Ghost, like the simple fishermen in the days of Christ. They were preaching
               the Gospel, not in their own might, but in the might of the Holy Ghost.

               The whole village would gather and before you knew it, most of the village had
               come to the Lord. They'd be drinking vodka. They'd be worshipping idols and
               then they'd become repentant. Then they become empowered of the Holy
               Ghost and miracles would begin to take place all over.

               My mother was relating to me that all the miracles that happened in the days
               of the apostles and throughout the Old Testament, were repeated in Russia.
               People saw mighty wonders of God including the resurrection of the dead. The
               Lord was proving Himself a Mighty God, a Living God, even today in this last
               generation, a generation of unbelievers, a generation of darkness. So this was
               a direct working of the Lord in Russia.

               My mother was sharing that while the revival spread right through the land,
               the people were really blessed. At that time they did not have many Bibles,
               because there was no printing press to take care of the needs of the Word of
               the Lord in Russia. Some Bibles were brought in from the west, from France
               and from England. There were some Bibles printed in England in the 18th
               century - but those Bibles were very few and far between.

               The Lord taught them by the Holy Ghost, by direct revelation, by visions, by
               angels, and by the word of prophecy. The Lord taught them without Bibles the
               principles of holy living, and separation from the world. The Lord taught them
               the  commandment  of  washing  the  saints  feet  so  that  the  Russian  revival
               church practiced the washing of feet. The ladies covered their heads. The Lord
               taught them that it is the sign, the visible sign of headship in the house, and
               for the angels that sign must be.

               Many other things the Lord taught specifically by the Holy Ghost because
               people  didn't  have  Bibles.  Then,  of  course,  when  the  brethren  had  the
               opportunity to check with a Bible, it was right in the Word. The work of the
               Holy Spirit was one because the Word and the Spirit is one and it cannot work
               otherwise. If anybody claims revelation, but it is not there in the Word of God;
               if they are contrary to it, then we should check and beware...

               About 1928, the Lord had started to speak throughout all those home groups
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