Page 26 - Living Epistles
P. 26

laundry and detergent cost $37.00! This man had been a sent angel of the

               Our beloved parents do not share or understand all of our views concerning
               Christianity. They had been hurt by what the Lord called us to do. We are
               happy to report that God has fully restored all of our relationships. Mary's
               parents in 1998 gave each of their three children a substantial amount of
               money.  In  their  eyes,  they  felt  that  we  could  not  be  trusted  with  money
               because we would give it away. They chose to set up a trust fund for us. We
               cannot touch the money, but the funds are available to us. Through the trust,
               we purchased a brand new five bedroom, three bathroom manufactured home
               that is almost twice the size of what we gave away. We also have purchased
               over an acre of land, of which we had none in Miami. Likewise, the trust
               purchased a brand new van. It always pays the insurance on the home, van,
               the property taxes, and the repairs on the van and home. Though nothing
               legally belongs to us, the fact is that we cannot take anything with us when we
               go to meet the Lord and be with Him. God told us that our one time act of
               forsaking all, has guaranteed us a life time provision of finances from His
               hands. My friends, we cannot out give the Lord!

               In conclusion, we would like to share the following. The American church
               needs to know that the Lord Jesus performs, and is ready to perform great
               miracles within it. What happened to us seems the account of some foreign
               missionary. All of this occurred in the U.S.A. within the last five years. We, the
               American  church,  don't  see  this  because  we  are  stuck  in  the  gospel  of
               complacency, comfort, prosperity, and blessings, instead of simple devotion
               and obedience to the Lord Jesus.

               Part of our commission was to come head on against the gods of money and
               comfort by doing the opposite and giving all away. Our testimony, which is
               simply  one  amongst  numerous  others,  is  one  of  encouragement  and
               exhortation to the church of Jesus Christ. In many western countries such as
               ours, the church has become more of a system and less of a church. When the
               Lord gave to Moses the pattern of the Ark of the Covenant which symbolizes
               His presence, there was a pot of manna  within it, which speaks of God's
               provision.  Except  on  the  Sabbath,  on  which  the  house  of  Israel  was
               commanded to gather manna for two days, on every other day, any quota of
               manna that exceeded the daily amount allotted by the Lord rotted away. In
               Matthew chapter ten, and the apostolic commission, these men of God were
               sent out without a provision of gold or silver. In part, this is why they saw the
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