Page 30 - Living Epistles
P. 30
The Lord sent one man from the U.S.A., filled with the Holy Ghost. He sent
him to Russia. He was a Russian man, and he came into Russia and started to
preach the apostolic message; the message of salvation; the message of
sanctification; the message of holiness; the message of dying unto sin; the
message of repentance; and the message of also entering into the blessing of
the Lord - into the outpouring of the Holy Ghost and the miracles of God's
power which are able to be performed when God's people seek His Face.
Russian people were very simple people at that time. The majority of them
were farmers. There was hardly any education. The message preached was
believed and so a revival broke out in Russia. It spread like a wildfire through
many villages, many towns.
Within the first seven or eight years from 1923, when God sent that man into
Russia, revival took over the whole of the Ukraine and all of Russia; as far as
the Ural mountains which are the mountains running north and south,
dividing the Russian mainland from Siberia.
So the Lord was doing mighty things and He was establishing a church there;
a living church which was going away from the orthodox church. The orthodox
church, as you may be aware, worships idols and icons, crosses and all those
types of things.
There were many people, thousands and thousands of people, coming to the
Lord through the simple message and the power of the Holy Ghost like in the
days of the apostles...
My mother was a living witness of the revival that took place. She was in it
herself and she's still alive and she's still in Canada with us. She related many
mighty things that the Lord did for His glory in Russia. Saving hundreds and
hundreds of thousands of people in Russia.
The Lord would pick out men by the Holy Ghost. He would tell them to fast
and pray. The Lord would tell them the name of a village, the name of a street,
and the name of a person where they should go. The Lord knew who was
prepared in that village. The brethren would go there and find the man in the
house. He was ready and prepared by the Lord to receive the message. They
would start singing. They would start preaching the message and before you
knew it, the whole village gathered by the prompting of the Holy Ghost.