Page 181 - Dragon Flood
P. 181

The targeting of women in tobacco advertising led to higher rates of smoking among
               women. In 1923 women only purchased 5% of cigarettes sold, in 1929 it increased to 12%,
               in 1935 the percentage of cigarettes purchased by women was 18.1%, this percentage
               peaked in 1965 at 33.3% and remained at this level until 1977.

               Observed in this example is the basic pattern used by a global elite today to shape the public
               opinion of the masses. News events are staged, and interpretations of the events are pre-
               planned in order to guide the populace to the conclusions that the invisible government
               desires.  Bernays  has  noted  in  his  books  that  Democracy  requires  the  employment  of
               propaganda that a ruling elite (who alone know what is best for mankind) might be able to
               rule without the masses understanding that they are being controlled and manipulated.

               As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has
               been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed
               by which opinion may be regimented...

               The minority has discovered a powerful help in influencing majorities. It has been found
               possible so  to  mold  the  mind of  the masses that they will throw their newly gained
               strength in the desired direction.
               [Source: Propaganda, Edward Bernays]

               Edward Bernays

               The same process employed by Bernays on behalf of the American Tobacco Company is
               utilized thousands of times every week by the invisible government to guide the masses in
               the desired direction. In the previous chapter we read of the government inventing, or
               fostering, atrocities such as the sinking of the Lusitania and the Japanese bombing of Pearl
               Harbor, in order to move the masses to support the schemes of the minority. There are very
               few who ever discern the invisible hand guiding their actions and shaping their opinions.
               To repeat a statement penned by Bernays,

               We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested,
               largely by men we have never heard of. These invisible governors are a heroic elite, who
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