Page 176 - Dragon Flood
P. 176

A very evident pattern is observed in these events. Time and again the government either
               manufactured some false atrocity, or  they provoked  an attack, deliberately sacrificing
               American lives. They did so to fulfill the desire of the money powers to bring American into

               So successful was this pattern of deception that it has been employed again and again to
               lead the American people into supporting wars that profit unseen powers whose aims are
               inimical to those of Americans and all mankind. Once again, in 1964, President Johnson
               used a false report of an unprovoked attack as a pretext to engage in war against a country.
               It was reported that three Vietnamese PT boats attacked two American Destroyers. What
               has become known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident has been revealed to not have occurred
               at all. Nevertheless, major news media once more touted the incident, giving it massive
               press exposure with the express intent of leading Americans into another war.

               Various  news  sources,  including  Time,  Life  and  Newsweek,  ran  articles  throughout
               August on the Tonkin Gulf incident. Time reported: "Through the darkness, from the West
               and south…intruders boldly sped…at least six of them… they opened fire on the destroyers
               with automatic weapons, this time from as close as 2,000 yards." Time stated that there
               was "no doubt in Sharp’s mind that the U.S. would now have to answer this attack," and
               that there was no debate or confusion within the administration regarding the incident.

               Once again the report of the media was far different from reality. If you are not already
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