Page 182 - Dragon Flood
P. 182

coolly keep it together, thereby “organizing chaos,” as God did in the Beginning. It is they
               who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and
               contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

               Do you sense the pride in this statement? Bernays is comparing the actions of these unseen
               manipulators to those of God when He brought order out of chaos. Satan is the ultimate
               mastermind behind such policies and practices. His disciples have learned his ways and
               have no compunction about deliberately deceiving and misleading the masses. After all,
               they reason, they alone know what is really good and necessary for mankind.

               Brothers and sisters, what I would have you to discern is that YOUR MIND has been
               molded, and YOUR ACTIONS guided, by this invisible government under the rule of Satan,
               and you have very often not perceived what was occurring. Only by becoming aware of the
               subtlety of the adversary can the Christian avoid the snare set before him.

               In the year 1928 when Bernays wrote the book Propaganda, he wrote of the pervasiveness
               of “news” stories that were created to shape public perception of events.

               Page one of the New York Times on the day these paragraphs are written contains eight
               important  news  stories.  Four of  them, one-half,  are propaganda. The casual reader
               accepts them as accounts of spontaneous happenings. But are they?
               [Source: Ibid]

               Bernays proceeds to give four of the headlines from the nation’s leading newspaper, and he
               demonstrates that each story is propaganda. He details who originated the stories, and what
               effect  each  story  was  to  produce  upon  public  opinion.  In  the  intervening  years  the
               percentage of canned news stories has only increased. America, and the world, is being
               inundated with a flood of fabricated news whose express aim is to shape public opinion and
               guide the masses.

               Modern  propaganda  is  a  consistent,  enduring  effort  to  create  and  shape  events  to
               influence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea, or group...

               The important thing is that it is universal and continuous; and in its sum total it is
               regimenting the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments the bodies of its
               [Source: Ibid]

               Consider what is expressed in this last statement. Even as the military dictates the actions
               of soldiers, telling them when to go to bed, when to rise, when to eat, when to work, how
               to salute, how to march in formation, etc., controlling the minute details of a soldier’s life,
               so too the minds of men and women are being regimented with the same level of control.
               Like puppets on a string, the mass of mankind moves to the motions of an unseen hand.

               Speaking of the success of the government CPI propaganda in World War I, Bernays states:

               At the same time, the manipulators of patriotic opinion made use of the mental cliches and
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