Page 185 - Dragon Flood
P. 185

masses in a particular direction. That which passes for spontaneous news events today are
               seldom spontaneous, or news. They are dramatizations played out on a world stage with the
               intent of manipulating mankind. The global elite  need the masses to consent to their
               schemes leading to a one world government. They refer to the work of propagandizing the
               masses as “manufacturing consent.” By deceiving and manipulating the people, the consent
               of the nations is gained.

               Do you perceive this deception all around you? Are your eyes opened to perceive the hidden
               hand  that  guides  events?  Or  do  you  still  believe  that  America  is  a  nation  where  the
               government serves the people? Are you so blinded by propaganda that you believe America
               can be changed by electing a Republican instead of a Democrat for President? Do you
               perceive that the candidates of both parties have been hand picked, and they are equally
               servants of an invisible government?

               At this time of year with a national election looming, one can perceive the massive influence
               of the propaganda machine. Debates are held; candidates spar with one another; it is made
               to appear that they truly are antagonistic to one another and hold greatly divergent views
               on government. Yet all is subterfuge. All is deceit and lies created to keep the masses
               deceived, to persuade them that they actually have a choice, that the common man has the
               power to influence the course of the nation.

               Tragically, Christians are giving their strength, thought, time, and money to a vain effort
               to effect political change. Christians are joining Tea Party movements, or are aligning
               themselves with a particular candidate or party. They believe they will make a difference.
               They wage war with carnal weapons. They do not perceive that the game is rigged. Vanity
               of vanities. All is vanity.

               Satan’s power is great. He has the ability to deceive the nations. Nevertheless, the disciple
               of Christ need not be deceived. Christ admonished His disciples with the following words:

               Matthew 10:16-17
               "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and
               harmless as doves. But beware of men...”
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