Page 177 - Dragon Flood
P. 177

persuaded that the current conflict, known as the War on Terror, was also precipitated by
               an event engineered by members of the visible and invisible government of the United
               States, you should consider that the government has shown a willingness to sacrifice its own
               citizens in order to gain the consent of the governed as they are deceived into supporting
               wars that profit others.

               There is so much evidence available that supports the conclusion that 9-11 was an inside job
               of an elite group within the government that this writer has no doubt about the sinister
               nature of the event. There are those in government who are so cold, so calculating, and so
               given over to the nature of Lucifer, that they think nothing of joining Satan as he comes to
               “kill, steal, and destroy.”

               I am unwilling to spend more time on the subject of 9-11, but will leave the reader with
               some resource links, should they be interested in pursuing the subject further.

               Loose Change - 9-11 Documentary


               Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth


               USA False Flags to Go to War


               Parables Blog on 911


               People of God, we live in an hour when deception is flooding the earth. The Christian need
               not be swept away by the deluge of lies. We have been given the Holy Spirit that we might
               know truth from falsehood, that we might walk wisely in the midst of a dark and evil
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