Page 67 - SABBATH
P. 67

to do the works of the Father and speak His words because He had an open heaven before
               Him. He testified that the Father shows Him all things that He Himself is doing. How can
               we walk in this same place, and do even greater works than Christ did, unless we too have
               an open heaven set before us? I tell you that we cannot, and will not be able to do so.
                     In this late hour when Christ will raise up a remnant to walk in power and authority
               before Him in the earth, it will initially be only a very small number who will know both an
               open heaven and the anointing to carry forth His desire. The reason is that there are only
               a few who have allowed Christ to baptize them with the fire of purging  and purification.
               Most have shunned the cross and sought to protect their flesh. Many have given themselves
               wholly over to the deceptions of a prosperity doctrine and messages of ease and comfort.
               Splashing around in what they call “the river of God,” they have despised Christ’s invitation
               to join Him in the fiery lake where the strength of the flesh is consumed and totally broken.
                     Yahshua was also a man mighty in words and deeds. The crowds marveled at His
               doctrine saying, “Never did a man speak like this.” The multitudes noted that He spoke with
               power, and not as the Scribes and teachers of the Law. There are many charismatic speakers
               today who can whip the crowds into an emotional fervor, but this is merely a counterfeit
               power, and not the true power of God. It is the power that Moses had before his strength
               was broken.
                     Yahshua was also a man mighty in deeds. He did all the things that He saw the Father
               doing, and the people marveled. He healed blind, deaf, lame, and sick. He raised the dead.
               He cast out demons. He ruled over the natural elements, and He gave this same authority
               and power to His disciples who would follow after Him. For a period of time the world saw
               the saints walking in this same power, for they did not shrink away from the working of the
               cross in their lives. But as the church drifted into a message of ease, the ability to see into
               the heavens and the power to do the works of God was seen less and less. Men and women
               were satisfied to simply do what they could in their own strength, and they devised false
               doctrines to abrogate the need for miracles and signs and wonders.
                     A day is soon coming when the Spirit will once more come in power upon a company
               of those saints who have followed the Lord into places of refining, and death to all reliance
               upon the flesh. These ones will shine forth as brilliant lights in the midst of gross darkness.
               The church will wonder where they received this power, and demand of them an answer,
               but most will not receive their words. These ones will enter into their inheritance as kings
               and priests to the world. They will see into the heavens and know what the Father is doing
               and perform the same. These ones will be lords of the Sabbath, and thus the words spoken
               of Christ will find earthly fulfillment, namely that He is “King of kings and Lord of lords,”
               for His kings and lords will follow in His footsteps.
                     I do not say that those who have not yet experienced this baptism of power will not
               hear the Lord speak to them in some measure, nor that the Lord will ever call them to some
               task until that day. We see the disciples of Christ walking in some measure of authority
               before the day of Pentecost, for the Lord commissioned them and sent them out to preach
               the kingdom and cast out devils and heal the sick, and we do see these things done in some
               measure today. Yet this is not the same as entering in fully to the place of Sabbath rest and
               power to which we are called.
                     There is a pattern seen in the lives of those whom the Lord called to some special
               work. They are often given a brief period of success, as David knew in his early days in
               Saul’s household, or as Joseph knew in Potipher’s, but then a time of breaking and refining
               comes forth, often for a prolonged period, and the end of this work is that the natural
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