Page 66 - SABBATH
P. 66

trying to bring forth the kingdom through the strength of man, rather than by the power of
               God. The power of God is not entrusted to those who have not been broken, so this breaking
               is the first order of business for all those who receive the salvation that is found in Yahshua.
                     Observe how the apostle Paul immediately upon being saved began to reason with the
               Jews in the city of Damascus. He had great debate with them, but we are not told that there
               was any fruit. We then read that God sent Paul to the wilderness where nothing more is
               heard from him for many long years. This was his period of breaking. This is where he died
               to  all  those  things  which  he  was  formerly  so  proud  of,  his  Jewish  heritage,  his  great
               education, his own Pharisaical righteousness, the strength of his natural life.
                     If Paul were in the churches of today they would not have allowed him this period of
               breaking and emptying. They would have said, “Look boys, we have a winner here. This man
               is something. He has education. He has connections. He is zealous for God. Let’s put him
               to work immediately.” Think of all the things that might be done in this way. Paul could be
               the figurehead for many different ministries. He could write books on how to debate the
               Jews. He could go out immediately and tell one and all about his experience on the road to
               Damascus. And in all his busyness, he would miss out on the preparatory work which alone
               could ready him to do the works of God.
                     But pastors today would cry out, “How can you tell him to delay in acting. The world
               is lost and going to hell today. Every day babies are aborted and children abused and the
               lost are dying. We need him to work today.” And because of such thinking the works are all
               man’s works, and the power needed to bring forth the kingdom is nowhere present. Thus
               the Scripture is fulfilled that in the last days men would have a form of godliness without
                     So we see in the baptism of Yahshua a picture of what is required in order to have the
               heavens opened to us and for the Spirit to descend in power. The working of death precedes
               the life of power.
                     Throughout this book it has been declared that it is the will of God for all of His
               children to come to a place where they only do the works they see the Father doing. This is
               the example that Yahshua set before us, and it is the only thing that will satisfy God. Many
               will come to God in the day of judgment and declare that they did many works in His name,
               but because these works were not His will, nor done at His command Yahshua will declare,
               “I never knew you.” There is only one way in which we can avoid these tragic words being
               spoken over our lives. We must KNOW with a certainty what the will of the Father is at all
               times. We must know what words He would have us to speak, and we must be careful to
               speak only these words. The requirement for this level of intimate knowing is that we must
               have the heavens open before us as they were before Yahshua.

                       John 5:19-20
                       Therefore Yahshua answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the
                       Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for
                       whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the
                       Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the
                       Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel.”

                     Yahshua did not begin His ministry until after John baptized Him and the heavens
               were opened to Him. Immediately we read that the voice of the Father is heard and then we
               read that the Spirit begins leading Yahshua. During His entire ministry Yahshua was able
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