Page 68 - SABBATH
P. 68

strength of the man is broken and it is replaced with a total surrender to, and dependence
               upon, God.
                     Even so, in my life I knew days when the Lord had called me to function as a minister
               to His body, only to see these days cut short before they bore any perfected fruit, and a
               wilderness period then ensued. This wilderness period is filled with trials, and suffering and
               an absence of things that appeal to the flesh and soul of man. It is a time when self-
               confidence and a reliance upon our own strength is replaced with humility and a leaning
               wholly upon the Savior. A remnant of saints have been enduring these same experiences,
               which all must pass through in order to enter into that good land before them. This is the
               pattern that God has established by His own counsel.
                     If you have found that the message of this book has pierced your soul and stirred up
               the spirit within you, then I encourage you to press into these things. The apostle has
               instructed us in this way, “therefore let us be diligent to enter into that rest” (Hebrews 4:11).
               The first step in this exercise of diligence is to believe what it is that God has said He will
               do for those who believe. Search the Scriptures and see if these things are true. Do not allow
               the walled cities and giants in the land to deter you. All enemies before us will be as prey as
               our conquering leader Yahshua leads us into battle.
                     Second, follow wherever the Lord leads. The overcomers spoken of in Revelation are
               marked by this distinction, “they follow the Lamb wherever He goes.” Many in turning back
               from paths of difficulty and suffering are forfeiting things that will cause them to weep and
               wail  and  gnash  their  teeth  when  they  are  fully  revealed  unto  them.  Then  their
               shortsightedness will be seen to be as Esau’s when he sold his birthright for a bowl of stew.
               Rather, let us be like Jacob who wrestled with the angel all night and said “I will not let you
               go unless you bless me.”
                     The children of God are called to be lords of the Sabbath, and possessors of the
               promises of God. May many enter into God’s rest.
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