Page 41 - SABBATH
P. 41

Father. As we have seen, this opposition need not take the form of an apparently evil deed.
               All the flesh needs to do is propose another path other than that which the Father has
               revealed to be His will.
                     Many a saint has balked at the will of Yahweh in their life. Perhaps He has revealed
               that His will is something other than what their flesh desires. Yahweh may reveal that it is
               His will that a man sell all of his goods, give the proceeds to the poor, and embark on a path
               of faith following the Spirit wherever He leads. A man may say, “This does not appeal to me.
               I want to have my nice things. I will choose to keep these things. I will attend church
               regularly. I will give much money to the programs of the church. I will teach Sunday School.
               I will provide for my family. I will live a moral life, but I will not do this thing the Father has
               revealed to me.” Such a man is walking in disobedience and sin, no matter how righteous
               he appears on the outside.
                     How many saints fall into this pattern? There are myriads who appear to be the most
               faithful of church members, they are good and decent people to all external observation.
               They are active in their local fellowships. They have set their hands to do many good things,
               yet they have failed to do that which the Father has revealed is His will for them. They go
               on year after year in this pattern, finding acceptance within their peer groups and receiving
               the praise of man. They may even endure persecution due to the moral and righteous
               activities they have chosen to participate in, but none of it finds favor with Yahweh if it is
               not that which He has led them to do by His Spirit.
                     This is the great peril of the flesh. It is not just evil that it sets itself to pursue, but it
               seeks to define its own righteousness. A man may think that he merely needs to live a good
               life, to live a godly life, but it is a false godliness. It is a godliness that derives from Satan’s
               temptation to “be like God,” for such a saint has determined for themself what life they will
               live and what sacrifices they will make.
                     The saint of God must crucify his flesh and the desires of the flesh in order to enter
               into the obedience the Father demands of him. This is not easy, and for this reason it is
               infrequently practiced. The masses of Christianity are not content with the Father’s will for
               them. They prefer to choose a path that is more acceptable to their flesh. All the better for
               them, they think, if they can offer acceptable service to God and not have to deal too harshly
               with their own flesh. What they have not discerned is that there is only one acceptable
               service to God, and that is complete obedience to His revealed will.
                     Paul spoke about coming to this place of contentment where he found Yahweh’s will
               to be perfectly acceptable to him. To come to this place he had to crucify his flesh.

                       II Corinthians 12:10
                       Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with
                       persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am

                       Philippians 4:11-13
                       Not  that  I  speak  from  want;  for  I  have  learned  to  be  content  in  whatever
                       circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know
                       how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of
                       being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can
                       do all things through Him who strengthens me.
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