Page 36 - SABBATH
P. 36

In their essence, Yahshua declared that He and the Father were one (John 10:30,
               17:22). The matter of order in the Godhead is not determined by who is greater, it is simply
               a governmental arrangement that has been established. As the Son, Yahshua is equal to the
               Father, but as Christ He steps into the role of a subordinate. He only does those things the
               Father instructs Him to do.
                     Among God’s creation there is also an established order. The order of creation is a
               matter that Yahweh has decided. Neither man’s will, nor the will of the angels have entered
               into the determination of the government of Yahweh. In this order we are told that Christ
               is the head of man and man is the head of woman.
                     There is also an order established among the angels, but this has no bearing upon
               man, so it is not discussed here by Paul, except in the one brief mention.
                     Christ being the head of man is the same as Yahweh God being the head of Christ. Man
               is to have no head of his own. He is to not will things of himself. He is to have no initiative
               of his own. As the sons of God are being conformed to the image of Christ, they are to walk
               as He walked. Although many would consider it almost blasphemous to entertain the
               thought, the saints of Yahweh are to get to the place where they can say as did Yahshua, “I
               do nothing of my own initiative. The very words I speak are not my words, but the words
               the Father gives me to speak.”
                     As Christ has Yahweh God as His head, and as man has Christ as His head, through
               the agency of the Spirit making known to man the will of the Son, man will ultimately be
               doing the will of the Father. All will be at rest. There will be no striving anywhere. This is
               the Father’s will, the will of the Son, and the will of the Spirit. I trust it is also the will of a
               chosen remnant of the people of God.
                     There is one more mention of the order of authority and headship in this passage. We
               are told that man is the head of woman. This is Yahweh’s established order. Woman is to
               have no head of her own. She is to have man as her head. If she is unmarried, her father is
               to be her head. If she is married, her husband is to be her head. She is to have no will or
               initiative of her own before man. She is to practice submission to man even as man is to
               practice submission to Christ and even as Christ practices submission before Yahweh God.
                     In other places in scripture we are told that this was always the practice of godly
               women ever since the creation of man and woman.

                       I Peter 3:5-6
                       For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to
                       adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands. Thus Sarah obeyed
                       Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right
                       without being frightened by any fear.

                     Even as man calls Christ Lord, and Christ has Yahweh as His Lord, woman is to have
               man as her lord. In each case, when the one under headship is submissive to their head, this
               finds favor with God and it results in peace and rest among His creation. To uncover one’s
               head is to enter into striving, and this brings the judgment of God.
                     This is the deep principle of which Paul is speaking to the Corinthians. There is an
               established  governmental  order  in  the  Kingdom  of  God,  an  order  that  Yahweh  has
               established by His own counsel, and when we recognize this order and submit to the one
               who is our head we will enter into Sabbath rest.
                     Peculiar among those under authority is the practice of woman. She is to have a
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