Page 39 - SABBATH
P. 39

sustenance and life), is to do the will of the Father.” Yahshua said, “Those who do the will
               of My Father in heaven will enter into the kingdom of God.”
                     Is it not amazing that the Father has given a charge to the church to provide an
               outward sign and testimony that they have refused the error of Satan, the error of not being
               satisfied with Yahweh’s will for His creation? How the church has failed to discern that in
               casting off obedience in this matter, they are walking in the same original sin as Satan.
               Satan wanted to determine his own way. He wanted to do as he pleased. Many men and
               women in the church have this same attitude. They do as they please and they think that the
               Father should be satisfied with the offerings of their own rebellious will.
                     It  was  a  minority  of  Israel  who  left  the  bondage  of  Egypt  and  entered  into  the
               promised land. Only two men out of a whole nation reverenced Yahweh enough, and
               demonstrated faith in Him that they were willing to go in and possess the land as directed.
               Paul states that the generation of those who perished in the wilderness are given as an
               example to the church today, and they are a warning of the consequences of disobedience.
                     The  church’s  failure  today  to  practice  the  ordinance,  precept,  and  custom  of
               headcovering that the apostles delivered to the churches is more than just an external
               failure. The church’s failure is a spiritual one as well as physical. Not only have the majority
               of  women  scorned this  instruction  to  cover  their  heads with  a  sign  symbolizing  their
               understanding and acceptance of the government of God, but the men and women of the
               church have by and large spiritually uncovered their heads before God. They prefer to
               govern their own lives and determine their own course and actions. The church is full of
               independence and of man’s initiative. Multitudes are unaware of the peril before them of
               failing to enter into God’s rest.
                     Let us apply all diligence in seeking to enter into God’s rest.
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