Page 38 - SABBATH
P. 38

Headcovering is a declaration of being in a condition of rest under the
               government of God.

                     As  one  looks  at  Christendom  today  they  will  find  that  headcovering  is  seldom
               practiced. This is in keeping with the days we live in. There are precious few saints that are
               truly walking in a position of rest before God. Myriads are following their own will and their
               own ways. They are speaking their own words. They are choosing for themselves what their
               activities will be. They are prophesying as it seems right to them. They are casting out
               demons according to their own counsel. They are building church buildings and creating
               their own kingdoms according to their own desires. They are asking the Father to satisfy
               their lusts and to prosper them in the mammon of the world. They are failing to seek first
               the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
                     In actuality, Christianity by and large has their head uncovered before Yahweh and in
               turn women in the church have their heads uncovered before their husbands and fathers.
               Many women know nothing of submitting to their husbands. Calling their husband lord is
               the height of absurdity to them. Likewise, men know little of submitting to Christ. They do
               the things that seem good to them, and if Christ happens to ask them to do something they
               agree with they will do it. However, they know little of what it is to die to self and to follow
               Christ down paths that are not attractive to the flesh and to the soul.
                     Like many wives, men tell Christ that they will do what He asks if it seems good to
               them. The Father is merely letting us see in marriages within the church a reflection of the
               relationship between the church and Christ. There is currently little submission in either
                     Paul stated in Ephesians 5:22 and following that the relationship between a man and
               his wife is a mysterious representation of the relationship between Christ and the church.
               It is my belief that the state of marriages within the church is an accurate reflection of the
               church’s  relationship  with  Christ.  Currently  there  is  very  little  reverence,  obedience,
               submission and love present. The church to a large extent has its head uncovered. But these
               things will change among a remnant of believers before we enter the 7  millennium and the
               Sabbath rest of God.
                     Knowing that Satan’s original transgression before Yahweh was uncovering his head,
               it is no wonder that he works so tirelessly to get all others to follow his pattern of rebellion.
               Even as he desired to be like God, he also enticed Eve by telling her that if she ate of the tree
               of the knowledge of good and evil, she would be like God. Even as he uncovered his head
               and abandoned his place in the order and government of Yahweh, so he entices men and
               women to do the same.
                     It requires humility to walk in submission to God’s order, but Paul in describing the
               last days to Timothy said that in these days men would be proud (II Timothy 3:2). Due to
               the pride of men and women today, even those in the church, there is little headcovering
               practiced. Like Satan, many have cast off the headship established by Yahweh and they
               declare this to be good. To be uncovered, however, is to fall from the place of Sabbath rest
               in God. It leads to barren lives that do not produce fruit that is acceptable and pleasing to
               the Father.
                     As we are poised to enter into the 7  day of mankind, the day that typifies Sabbath
               rest, a great upheaval must occur among the saints of God. Men and women must learn to
               cover their heads and to have no initiative or will of their own. They must return to a place
               of rest before God where they can say with Yahshua, “My meat, (that which gives me
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