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mind and human behavior, to alter societal views of deviant sexual behavior.

               In 1973, Dr. John P. Spiegel, was president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association. It was
               under his watch that the psychiatric profession’s standard manual of practice, the DSM, was
               altered to remove homosexuality from the list of deviant sexual disorders. This change was NOT
               the result of new research that demonstrated that homosexuality is normal and harmless. There
               was a group of psychiatrists among the leadership of the APA (American Psychiatric
               Association) who were practicing sodomites. They sought to use their positions in this
               organization to change society’s view of their own depraved behavior. This group of sodomite
               psychiatrists were informally referred to as the GayPA.

               Alix Spiegel is the granddaughter of Dr. John Spiegel. She is a correspondent for National Public
               Radio. Alix Spiegel narrated an episode for American Life, a popular program on NPR, where
               she spoke about her grandfather’s involvement in altering the American medical profession’s
               definition of homosexual behavior. She revealed that his “motives were not simply those of a
               dedicated psychiatrist and champion of human rights.” She explains how her family discovered
               in 1981 after her grandmother had died, that her grandfather was a homosexual.

               The family went on vacation to the Bahamas to celebrate my grandfather’s 70th birthday. I
               remember it well. I also remember my grandfather stepping out from his beach front bungalow
               on that first day followed by a small well-built man, a man that later during dinner my
               grandfather introduced to a shocked family as his lover, David. David was the first of a long line
               of very young men that my grandfather took up with after my grandmother’s death. It turned out
               that my grandfather had had gay lovers throughout his life, had even told his wife-to-be that he
               was homosexual, two weeks before their wedding. And so in 1981 the story that my family told
               about the definition in the DSM changed dramatically.

               American society has been hoodwinked. A cabal of sodomites, masquerading as wise doctors of
               the pseudo-scientific field of psychiatry, have redefined homosexual behavior to justify their own
               moral deviancy. Consider for a moment the gross immorality of this man who served as president
               of the American Psychiatric Association. He entered into a marriage union with a woman that he
               never intended to treat with fidelity. Throughout his marriage he was engaging in sodomy with a
               series of male lovers.

               DSM Manuals
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