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P. 109

"I believe that exposing children to these health risks without clear evidence of benefits that
               outweigh these serious risks is not appropriate," he said...

               This series has shown that homosexual behavior is intrinsically unhealthy. Let Governor Christie
               go view the AIDS quilt the next time it is displayed in Washington, D.C.. As immense as it is,
               the quilt represents only a fraction of the people who have died as a result of contracting this
               deadly virus that is spread by homosexual behavior. The number of young people who suffer
               depression, and attempt suicide, is far higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals. Drug use
               among practicing homosexuals is also higher than that of the heterosexual population.

               Matt Barber, a columnist for World Net Daily, provided an analogy to reveal the dishonesty of
               the pro-homosexual lobby. After citing a recent CDC report that reveals that one in five
               homosexual males is infected with the HIV/AIDS virus, he states:

               As the CDC has once again verified, if you affirm or defend homosexual behavior as “normal,
               natural and good,” you also defy science. You’re on the wrong side of history, let alone reality.

               What is it about this particular PC-protected practice that causes so many otherwise intelligent
               people to become blinded blathering buffoons?

               Let’s say we had a group of people who defined their identity based upon a penchant for running
               headlong into brick walls. Oh, we’ll call them, “Wallies.” (Wally pride, baby!)

               As significant percentages of Wallies began to drop dead, or suffer irreversible brain damage,
               do you suppose the Left would demand tolerance for such behavior? Do you think they’d begin
               handing out bicycle helmets in elementary schools, telling kids to practice safe walling? With
               liberals, anything’s possible, but I’m more inclined to think that even the moonbat Left might
               agree that people tending toward such behavior would be best served to simply avoid running
               headlong into walls altogether.

               I don’t mean to be flip (okay, maybe a little flip) but can someone please tell me why on earth the
               Left insists that we “tolerate” homosexual behavior while – as the CDC has once again
               confirmed – it continues to have results similar to brick-walling?

               We throw paper-thin latex condoms at kids who struggle with same-sex attraction and tell them:
               “You’re gay! Embrace who you are. Gay pride, baby!”

               We push them out onto a paper-thin latex tightrope with a one-in-five chance they’ll plummet to
               their death.

               What in the name of all things sacred are we doing? One-in-five with AIDS? Seriously? If five
               people got into a car and were told that one of them wasn’t going to survive the drive, how
               quickly do you suppose they’d scatter?

               Unnatural behaviors beget natural consequences. Scripture admonishes: “For the wages of sin
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