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Gay culture or Death culture?

               I'm at my wit's end with gay culture. Promiscuity and unsafe sex are rampant and fueling the
               spread of HIV. Gay culture has returned to the culture of death that it was in the 80s.

               There is a fatalism about it. Many of the gay men I meet nowadays believe that they are going to
               get the disease if they haven't already and have no desire to know whether they have the disease
               and are spreading it. Now over 40% of gay men who are infected don't know it. As my gay
               roommate puts it, "I don't intend to live to old age." Apparently he doesn't care if the people he
               sleeps with live to old age either. Even on Craigslist there are literally thousands of men seeking
               men for unsafe sex only.

               What can you do about a culture that has become completely ambivalent to the disease it is
               helping carry and spread?

               The antiviral medications that were hailed as the greatest innovation against the disease have
               aided in its spread by focusing efforts towards treatment rather than prevention. The medications
               do not last forever and eventually people do succumb to the virus at a younger age than they
               would had they not become infected.

               The only solutions I can perceive at this point are monogamy or celibacy. Either you don't have
               sex, or you only have sex within a committed relationship. At this point to be truly safe within a
               relationship gay men have to forgo unsafe sex with each other until both partners have been
               tested 6 months after their last sexual contact with someone outside the relationship. It can take
               up to 6 months for antibodies to show up on an HIV test.

               I used to think condoms were an answer, but if you don't have one available, or you unwisely
               choose to trust the person you are with, then you still fall into trouble. The lack of spontaneity
               and the interruption of sexual activities also make condoms unattractive options. And then there
               is the difference of sensation.

               What can be done?

               Those who practice homosexual behavior have a choice to make. They can either accept the fact
               that they will likely become infected with a horrible disease and die at a premature age, freeing
               them to participate in unsafe sexual activity, or they must choose to abandon promiscuity.
               Homosexual behavior is like playing Russian roulette. A person who does so is flirting with
               death. A recent article in the online magazine American Conservative accurately stated the

               What kind of culture teaches that it’s better to have an unfettered sex life than to, you know, live?
               A culture of death, that’s what.
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