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P. 107
Chapter 10
I have examined one aspect of homosexuality that is antithetical to the character and nature of
God. It is sterile, devoid of life, and a spreader of death to mankind. It has been observed that
Yahweh’s plan for man is that humanity might be conformed to His own image and likeness.
Yahweh is a source of life, and there is no death in Him. We are also told that Christ is a life-
giving spirit. A very well known Scripture declaring the nature of Christ is the following.
John 14:6
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.”
In this post I want to focus on another aspect of homosexual behavior, demonstrating that it not
only deviates from the “life” found in Christ, but it also is devoid of “truth.” In this series I have
shown that many lies are being spread by the proponents of homosexuality. Two days ago, New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed into law legislation that is similar to that which Governor
Jerry Brown of California has made the law of his state. It is now illegal in New Jersey to offer
change counseling to anyone under the age of 18 who identifies as a homosexual. I would like to
examine a news report posted to the Fox News website on this new legislation in order to
identify the lies that are being propounded. The article is titled:
NJ Gov. Christie signs ban on controversial gay conversion therapy
Published August 19, 2013
One of the implicit lies of this news articles is that Governor Christie has arrived at this decision
on his own. Chris Christie is a puppet being controlled by unseen masters. Like the President of
the United States, he follows the script that has been delivered to him. There is an unseen hand
guiding Governor Christie’s policies. It is a work of deception to portray his legislative acts as
something he arrived at independently after conscientious consideration. Nothing could be
further from the truth.
(For those unfamiliar with the depths to which Americans have been deceived about their
government and who truly controls it, I recommend the book Dragon Flood.)