Page 14 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 14
want to testify that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. They
want God to acknowledge that they are inherently good, when He testifies that
our condition is just the opposite.
Some might argue that they have heard of instances of men and women who
overcame their addiction quite apart from God. I too know of some rare instances
where men and women have ceased taking illegal drugs, or put away a life of
drunkenness, and some of them knew nothing of the salvation of Christ. This is
merely part of Satan’s deceit to keep men and women perpetually trying to
improve themselves by their own efforts.
What those who point out such examples are not acknowledging is that
though these men and women might have put away one manifestation of the sin
that resides in their flesh, that the poison yet remains, and it always manifests in
some form. Some have been able to quit drinking, but they have then made the
pursuit of their life the acquisition of material possessions. This is an addiction
that is not condemned by society. Even a carnal church speaks highly of such a
pursuit. Christ, however, sees that nothing has changed in the person’s life. They
are still going forth on their belly, living to satisfy a hunger for fleshly things.
There is actually much more written in Scriptures to condemn a pursuit of
material possessions, than there is to condemn a life of drunkenness.
So do not be deceived. No man or woman has ever in history overcome the
power of sin that is resident in their being, apart from the deliverance provided
through Jesus Christ, Yahshua the Messiah. Neither will you be able to do so. If
you can receive this as truth, and are humble enough to admit your inability to
free yourself from the raging appetites inside your being, then you have taken the
first step to receiving true deliverance through the Son of God.