Page 81 - Living Epistles
P. 81

Maurice Reuben

               In a day when it is often hard to find living examples of faith close to home,
               men and women that we can interact with personally, I have found that the
               biographies  of  these  lights  of  God’s  Kingdom  can  often  provide  the
               encouragement that I very much need. I have been blessed to read quite a
               number of excellent books on the lives of men and women who have followed
               God in exceptional ways. Among them is the book Rees Howells - Intercessor
               authored by Norman Grubb.

               I believe that such books will be of great value in coming days as Christians
               turn away from the television and other forms of entertainment and begin
               looking for that which edifies. We will truly need to be feeding upon those
               things that build up the spirit of man that we might have the strength to
               overcome in the midst of difficult days.

               In the book Rees Howells - Intercessor there is a testimony of a young Jewish
               man who lived in Pittsburgh in the early 1900s. The man’s name was Maurice
               Reuben, and it was while listening to this man give his testimony that Rees
               Howells saw his great need of the Savior, and came to understand the cross
               that all disciples must bear.

               This testimony is important as it reveals that there are distinctions among the
               walk of various Christians. Some have come to confess Christ has Savior, but
               they have not counted the cost of taking Him as Lord of their lives. Many
               profess  belief  in  Christ  for  the  forgiveness  of  sins,  but  they  have  not
               themselves forsaken all and taken up the cross to follow Him. Oftentimes it is
               those  who  profess  Christ  as  Savior,  but  who  do  not  accept  the  cost  of
               discipleship, who become the greatest persecutors of those who have accepted
               the cost. This truth is brought out in the following testimony as recorded in the
               book Rees Howelss - Intercessor.

               Meeting the Risen LORD

               Rees had not been long in his new home when he heard that a converted Jew,
               Maurice  Reuben  from  Pittsburgh,  had  come  to  the  city  for  a  series  of
               meetings. The first night that he went to hear him, Reuben told the story of
               his conversion and how the Holy Spirit had revealed Calvary to him. “I had
               heard preaching on Calvary scores of times before and believed it,” said Rees,
               “but I had never seen Calvary before that night...”
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