Page 79 - Living Epistles
P. 79

This is a remarkable experience. It is so rich with symbolism. When the PSB
               officers tied the cross to Brother Yun’s back the Father was signifying that here
               was one who was truly bearing in his body the cross of Christ. Truly the people
               in  Shangnan  township  did  see  on  their  streets  that  day  the  “Jesus  from
               Henan.” The church in the West has known very little of such sufferings in
               recent generations, but these things are coming swiftly. Many more will be
               given the great honor of suffering for the name of Christ.

               Yahweh fulfilled the vision of Brother Yun. The beast that sought to silence
               him was the government agency, and in coming days there will be observed
               a similar beast seeking to silence saints in the West. Even at this very hour,
               America has a President who is being used of Satan to set in place all things
               necessary to bring about a great persecution of the saints of God.

               America has a President who rides in an armored limousine that the Secret
               Service  has  nicknamed  The  Beast.  The  day  the  election  results  came  out
               announcing that Barack Obama had been chosen by Americans to be their
               next President, the winning numbers in the Illinois Pick Three Lottery came
               up 6-6-6. (Illinois is Obama’s home state.)

               Is God speaking to His people through these things? I am convinced that He
               is. There is a beast system rapidly being set in place that will lead to the
               persecution of Christians. This persecution is not far off. It is even now at the
               door. Yet in the midst of this persecution the people of God who walk faithfully
               with Him will be given a little help, even as Brother Yun was helped.

               Daniel 11:32-34
               And by smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly
               toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength
               and  take  action.  And  those  who  have  insight  among  the  people  will  give
               understanding  to  the  many;  yet  they  will  fall  by  sword  and  by  flame,  by
               captivity and by plunder, for many days. Now when they fall they will be
               granted a little help...

               The disciples of Christ are the people of the covenant, a covenant sealed in the
               blood of Christ. Satan is using men of smooth words to turn to godlessness
               those who act wickedly. Many will suffer in coming days, but let all who do so
               rejoice. Great is the reward  of all who suffer for the name of Christ, and
               precious in the sight of God is the death of His holy ones.
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