Page 132 - Evidence of Things Unseen
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had been so suitable. It was an even more remarkable thing when we found a second house
in this same rural community, and once more we did not have to look for it, but God
brought it to us at the hands of a couple who had driven all the way from Illinois. God
revealed in a profound way that He was very pleased with our request to remain and
The significance of the numbers eight and seven is that God found our willingness to
put aside all offense in order to intercede for these people to be a satisfying thing in His
eyes. He found our willingness to despise the shame and endure reproach, while asking the
Father to bring these people into their inheritance in Christ, to be a complete and mature
response. We were willing to suffer for the sake of others, and this satisfied the heart of
Yahweh. The etymology of these numbers testified that our being at this home for this
purpose was an acceptable offering in the sight of God. It was “spiritually complete or
satisfying” to the Father, and the aroma of this sacrifice was “superabundant and satiating”
to Him.
God testified even further concerning this matter of making an intercessory offering
for this people. Our amazement grew when we saw what other testimonies God had set to
our obedience in remaining here to pray for the people, rather than choosing to leave with
an offended heart. The house was located at 308 Levie Road, and it was impossible to not
see the name of the priestly tribe in this name. The owner’s last name was King. So this
property bore the remarkable testimony of kings and priests.
Revelation 1:5-6
And from Yahshua Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the
dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed
us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and
his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
It was the duty of the priests to present the sacrifices to God, and as a nation of kings
and priests it is the calling of all of God’s elect to offer to God sacrifices that are acceptable
and well pleasing unto Him. Christ is the forerunner for all of the elect. He bids His
disciples to follow where He walked. As He took up the cross, so are all of His disciples
commanded to take up their cross and follow Him. If He willingly bore reproach as an
evildoer, so too will His disciples be asked to bear similar reproach. If He laid down His life
for those who treated Him with despite and ill will, then so too will the elect of God be
called to lay down their lives for those who have rejected them.
God spoke to me much about this call to intercede for others while we lived at this
home on Levie Road. He taught me much concerning the saints’ call to lay down their lives
for others. Daily I was brought to pray for the ministers who had rejected me. When I met
them at church I continued to hug their necks and speak a blessing to them. I did not turn
my love away from them, nor did I call down fire from heaven to consume them. I
continued to ask God to bring them into their inheritance in Christ.
We were to experience much pain while we lived in this home, and we were to endure
some more storms. As a testimony to what was to occur in our lives spiritually, God once
more provided natural signs to attest to what was coming. Within the first few weeks there
were repeated thunderstorms that passed through the area. The winds were so severe that
they blew the underpinning loose from under the house, and I had to put it back in place
and reattach it. This happened two or three times, as thunderstorms would pass through