Page 129 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 129
do similarly as He had done the last time we had moved and we would not have to seek a
place, but He would bring it to us. We did go out and check out a few possibilities one day,
asking the Father to close all doors that were not of Him, and all the doors were closed, so
I determined not to look further.
On the first of July I received a surprising phone call. A man from Illinois whom I had
only received a couple of short e-mail correspondences from, was on the phone and he told
me that he was in Montezuma, Georgia. This was unanticipated, and I invited he and his
wife to come on over to our house. Our family had chosen this day to pack up all that could
be boxed, so that we would be ready when the Father opened a door for us. This couple
arrived to find our house filled with boxes.
Gary and Karri Sargeant were the names of our unexpected visitors. They shared with
me that the Spirit had spoken to Gary and told him to go to Georgia to see me, and he really
did not know all that the Father intended, but that he knew he was to be there. He wasn’t
sure if the Father wanted him to move to Georgia, or just come for a visit, though Karri said
that the Spirit had told her they would only be in Georgia seven days. Not certain of the
Father’s will in this, Gary still heard the Spirit speak to him when he arrived in Montezuma,
and direct him to rent a house. The Spirit said, “I will make it real simple. There will be only
one house for rent in the local newspaper, and that is the one I want you to rent.” Sure
enough, there was only one house for rent in the paper, and Gary put down a deposit on it,
with a commitment to pay the rent by July 8th.
As Gary and Karri looked at the house they had placed a deposit on, they questioned
whether the Lord really intended it for them. The house was too big for the two of them,
being a three bedroom triple-wide manufactured home. When Gary entered our home with
boxes everywhere, and heard that we were preparing to move, but had no idea where we
were to move to, he said, “I think I may have just rented your house for you.”
Over the next few days, Gary prayed and asked the Lord that if the house were
intended for he and his wife that the Father would provide the money for them to rent it by
the end of the week, for they had rented a hotel room in town for one week and they had
told the owners that they would pay them the rent in one week. He said that if the Lord did
not provide them the money then he would know that the house was intended for us, and
not them. Before the week was over, however, both Gary and Karri had heard from the Lord
that they were to return to Illinois.
The Father sent this couple to Georgia for much more than simply to secure a house
for us. The Father had many things which he wanted me to minister to this couple, and we
spent much time together. The Spirit did some profound things during this week, and He
manifested many prophetic signs that confirmed the things He was speaking. Before the
week was over both Gary and Karri knew that they were to return to Illinois, and many
spiritual things had been imparted between us all. My daughter formed a special bond with
Karri, and it was a very precious time.
At the end of their week in Georgia, we went with the couple to meet the landlords of
what was to be our new home, and to see the house. The house was everything we had
desired. My daughter had especially wanted to remain in the country (as opposed to living
in the city), and the home was on a farm with a pecan orchard behind it with cows pastured
under the trees. There were horses in a nearby field, and my wife had been saying for
months how she had wanted some chickens so she could have fresh eggs, though I did not
want the responsibility of having to care for them. There were chickens that ranged freely
throughout the yards, and the owners’ son said that we were welcome to have all the eggs