Page 128 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 128

I knew it was a test. I could shake the dust off of my feet and move out of the community
               the Father had led us to, or I could forgive my brothers and choose to remain, as I looked
               to God to fulfill the things He had spoken to me about raising up a people for His praise and
               glory. I searched the mind of the Spirit and I could not find any witness that He desired me
               to leave. He had already spoken to me about being willing to bear reproach, and here I was
               being  reproached  as  a  heretic  and  I  was  being  given  the  opportunity  to  bear  it  with
                     Our family prayed about the matter, and we were all inclined to stay and to continue
               to fellowship with this people, even though I would be viewed as a heretic and numbered
               among the transgressors. As saints we are being conformed to the image of Christ, and the
               pattern of Yahshua’s life was to go to a people whom the Father had sent Him to, to be
               rejected and reproached by these people, and yet He did not shake the dust off His sandals
               and call down fire on them. Rather, He laid down His life for them that they might be
               reconciled to the Father. Yahshua is our pattern Man, and how blessed we are when the
               Father gives us an opportunity to share in the work and the suffering of His firstborn Son!
               The Spirit bore witness that He was offering such an opportunity to me, yet how easy it
               would be to simply walk away from this people since I was having to move at this time
                     As  I  considered  it  I  realized  that  if  I  walked  away  pride  would  be  the  primary
               motivator in a decision to do so. Yet if I stayed and bore the reproach with contentment,
               God would work in me the humility that He desires in His sons and daughters. The decision
               was not a difficult one, and as a family we confessed to the Father that we were desirous of
               staying among these people that we loved, and which we knew He loved, and we asked that
               He would provide us a new place to live.
                     It was only a day or two after we had committed to stay, and had asked for God’s
               provision, that a check arrived in the mail. I was the only one home, and normally we did
               not  see  the  mail  arrive  for  the  mailbox  was  quite  a  distance  from  the  house.  I  “just
               happened” to look out the front window when I saw the mail being delivered. I felt the Spirit
               urging me to go and check the mail, and I had an expectancy that had been lacking during
               our long drought. There was a letter in the mail from a brother in Canada. I opened the
               letter and I found that it contained a postal money order, and what looked like a carbon
                     The amount on the money order was $729.20. I had to look at the amount several
               times to believe I was seeing it correctly, for this was a significant amount, yet the note
               attached to it described it as being a small amount which the brother hoped would be
               helpful to allow me to continue in the ministry that the Father had called me to. Sure
               enough, it was over seven hundred dollars. As I walked back to the house I felt the Spirit
               urging me to look closer at the carbon copy. It looked identical, and had the very same
               amount inscribed on it. The thought occurred that I should check the serial number. The
               serial number on the copy was different than the original. In awe, I then understood that
               this  Christian  brother  had  sent  me  $1,458.40.  He  had  actually  sent  $2,000  dollars
               Canadian, and this was the amount it translated to when converted to U.S. currency. What
               a blessing this was, and with this money the Father had provided the necessary money to
               pay our bills and rent our next home.
                     I took this gift to be a confirmation from the Father that He was pleased to allow us
               to remain in the area, and I had a growing anticipation that He would soon reveal His
               perfect provision for a home for us. I shared with my family that I believed the Father would
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