Page 130 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 130

we wanted for he did not like eggs. In this way, both my wife’s desire and my own were
                     One thing I knew would be an important point to deal with up front was to disclose
               that we had inside dogs, and to ascertain that this was not a problem for the owners. Before
               we even arrived at the house the couple from Illinois told us that the landlords allowed
               indoor dogs, but not outside dogs, for they said the outside dogs always ended up becoming
               theirs. What a perfect provision this was, and I had never heard of any landlord who
               allowed only indoor dogs, which was exactly what we needed. They confirmed this when we
               spoke to them.
                     The landlords told us that the house had been advertised in the paper for about a week
               before this couple from Illinois came to rent it, and they had absolutely no response on the
               ad, which was amazing since decent rental property is very scarce in this rural area. Yet in
               the next days after this couple put down a deposit a waiting list of eight families who wanted
               to rent the home had been compiled. Since this couple had already put down the deposit,
               the owners were willing to transfer the deposit to us and allow us to rent it, which we did.
                     What a miraculous thing this was, for the Father sent a couple all the way from Illinois
               to secure a house for us, not even knowing we were having to move, and it was equally
               incredible that the home would be a perfect match for us in every way! Once more we had
               the house brought to us, and we did not need to search for it. In this little community, such
               things were truly amazing. My wife had recently spoken to another lady from this same
               community who was once in a similar situation of having to move in two weeks. She
               testified that she and her husband had to move out of the community for there were no
               suitable properties for rent.
                     After my great disappointment with the ministers of the local fellowship we were
               attending, I was much encouraged by the truly marvelous ways in which God continued to
               provide for us.
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