Page 188 - Dragon Flood
P. 188

The Rockefeller family denied any involvement in the decision to send in militiamen, but
               as countervailing evidence began to surface, proving their complicity in the massacre,
               John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was convinced that something had to be done. Ivy Lee was hired
               by the Rockefeller family to “secure publicity for their views...”

               Lee’s work following Ludlow consisted of producing a series of circulars entitled “Facts
               Concerning the Strike in Colorado for Industrial Freedom.” Between June and September
               1914, these nationally distributed broadsides came out every four to seven days...

               Lee’s  dispatches,  for  example,  routinely  exaggerated  the  salaries  received  by  union
               organizers - the bulletins were designed to simulate objective evidence, proving that the
               pillage at Ludlow was the work not of the mine operators and their armies, but of “well
               paid agitators sent out by the union.”

               One bulletin presented distorted documentation purporting to demonstrate that editorial
               sentiment  in  Colorado’s  newspapers  was  overwhelmingly  against  the  strikers.
               Disregarded in this report was the fact that those editors who were surveyed all worked
               for papers run by the coal companies.

               Another bulletin offered an authentically couched report from Helen Grenfell, identified
               simply as the “Vice President of the Law and Order League of Colorado.” Her apparently
               first  hand account  certified that the battle at  Ludlow  was initiated by  the strikers...
               Unmentioned in the report were the facts that Grenfell was not, in fact, an eyewitness to
               events at Ludlow and that she was the wife of a railroad official whose company profited
               from carrying Colorado coal.
               [Source: PR! A History of Spin, Stuart Ewen]

               People of God, such reports are not exceptional. They are the norm in the media today.
               Stories are reported in such a way that critical information is withheld from the public, and
               that which is reported is biased, and often filled with distortions of the truth. So pervasive
               is the false reporting of the media that the masses of men and women have lost all sense of
               reality. They believe the world is what is portrayed before them on television, in newspapers
               and magazines, on the Internet and radio.

               The invisible government, those whom Edward Bernays, Gustave Le Bon, and Ivy Lee
               referred to as an “intellectual aristocracy,” consists of immensely wealthy bankers and
               corporate tycoons such as the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. The practices that proved
               so effective in defending their corporate interests generations ago are now employed on a
               national and even global scale. The major media is owned by a close knit group of global
               power brokers who employ its massive influence to create illusions of reality, and to thereby
               govern and control the masses.

               Those who own the media do not wait for news stories to come along, and then merely spin
               the accounts to serve their own interests. They manufacture the news events.

               As  Bernays  explained  it,  “the  engineer  of  consent  must  create  news.”  He  must
               orchestrate public occurrences so they will be noticed and will harvest the acquiescence
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