Page 191 - Dragon Flood
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captured by the Iraqis she "fought fiercely and shot several enemy soldiers...firing her
               weapon until she ran out of ammunition." According to the Post account, which was based
               on  anonymous  sources  citing  battlefield  reports,  Lynch  kept  firing  "even  after  she
               sustained multiple gunshot wounds." By her own account, none of that happened. She
               never fired her weapon and was knocked unconscious when her vehicle crashed, waking
               up hours later in an Iraqi hospital. As she put it in her testimony today, the story depicted
               her as "the little girl Rambo from the hills of West Virginia who went down fighting. It
               was not true." She blamed the media for perpetuating the myth. "They should have found
               out the facts before they spread the word like wildfire."

               In 2007 Jessica was called before Congress to give testimony about her experiences and she
               stated, “I am still confused as to why they chose to lie and tried to make me a legend.” In
               actuality, after being captured Jessica was turned over to Iraqi medical personnel who gave
               her  the  best  care  they  possibly  could.  When  the  special  forces  invaded  the  hospital
               compound, it was nearly  deserted. There were no enemy soldiers to  fight off, though
               dramatic images of troops repelling into the compound on ropes, and flying Jessica out on
               helicopter, were conveniently taken to be splashed across the media throughout America.

               Not only was the story of Jessica’s ordeal manufactured so that it bore no resemblance to
               the  truth,  but  her  moral  character  was  greatly  whitewashed  to  make  her  appear  like
               America’s darling. It was later revealed that Jessica engaged in a sexually debauched party
               with fellow soldiers before shipping out to Iraq. Pictures of her cavorting topless with male
               soldiers surfaced, and Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler Magazine reportedly paid a six
               figure price for the photos, but was pressured to not publish them.

               With the media and the government both fully in the power of the invisible government,
               one must truly wonder what can be believed today. If you are forming your world view by
               what you see, hear, and read in the news, then you are surely deceived. From America’s
               birth in the Green Dragon Tavern, to the present day, she has been a Luciferian nation. Her
               policies are Luciferian. The government deliberately seeks to deceive the citizens of the
               nation, to hide from them their true motives and actions, while proclaiming pleasant lies
               intended to obtain their consent.

               One of the biggest deceptions of the moment, being played out across the media, is the
               fiction that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are duking it out as adversaries with opposing
               views, wanting to lead America down different paths. An examination of the twenty largest
               monetary contributors to the Obama and Romney campaigns reveals that both campaigns
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