Page 190 - Dragon Flood
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               If you watch the video of this girl’s testimony and do not realize that the entire event was
               manufactured by one of the world’s largest PR firms and paid for by the Kuwaiti royal
               family, you would surely be moved to outrage at the testimony given. This is the profound
               power of television and the media to shape public opinion. It is stated that “seeing is
               believing.” Yet, no one actually saw the Iraqi soldiers committing these atrocities. They only
               saw a teenage girl testifying that such things had occurred.

               Consider the shrewdness of selecting an attractive young Kuwaiti girl to tell this story.
               People are predisposed to believe children. They do not typically associate adolescent girls
               with cunning and deception. Had the adult men who wrote the script actually delivered the
               words, it would have had a very different effect.

               A similar deception was foisted upon the American public during the second Gulf War when
               public support for the conflict began to wane. A story of American heroism was needed to
               rekindle support. The story of a young, attractive female soldier caught in an ambush,
               served this purpose. The Jessica Lynch story was front page, and prime time fodder for all
               of the news agencies.

               Jessica Lynch - People Magazine

               It was reported that Jessica fought alongside her ambushed comrades, firing her gun until
               she ran out of ammunition. She was then taken captive by the Iraqis, sexually assaulted, and
               treated horribly despite her many wounds. Her ordeal ended when she was dramatically
               rescued in a daring raid by American special forces troops. Personal details of Jessica
               Lynch’s life, such as her desire to become a school teacher, were touted repeatedly to make
               her appear to be the all-American girl, full of virtue, brave, and willing to sacrifice for her

               For weeks the story played across all the major media outlets and a patriotic fervor gripped
               America. Support for President Bush and the war in Iraq surged. Much later it was disclosed
               that the entire description of events was immensely hyped.

               [From a CBS New Report by David Martin]
               Jessica’s testimony before Congress
               A couple days after her rescue, The Washington Post had reported that before she was
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