Page 109 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 109

A similar book by the same author is Bible Spells, whose byline states, “Obtain your every desire by
               activating the secret meaning of hundreds of Biblical verses.” The book contains more information
               on candle burning, as well as crystal and incense spells “From the Holy Scriptures.”

               Are you appalled at the blatant heresy of such practices? Can a Christian or non-Christian use the
               dark, occult practices of Satan to accomplish the will of God? What is being advocated here is no
               different than the final act of King Saul’s apostasy as he sought out a woman with a familiar spirit to
               conjure up the prophet Samuel. It was a detestable act in the sight of Yahweh, and was a tragic end
               to the rebellious career of a man rejected by God.

               What is obviously evil to the sight of spiritual men and women and appropriately rejected as a vile
               work of darkness, is embraced by many when it wears a different garment. If one removes all
               language that refers to spells, incantations and magic, and instead uses the language of Judaism and
               of the Hebrew rabbis, the very same occult rituals are passed off as being acceptable and pleasing to
               the eyes of Yahweh. Yet, in fact, it is the same witchcraft hiding under a different dress. The Jewish
               Sabbath ritual of candle lighting, speaking forth ritualistic phrases, with its concomitant motions of
               the hands, body movements, and elements of wine and food is an act of witchcraft, a summoning of
               unclean spirits to achieve the desires of the one performing the rite. These practices are being adopted
               by many Christians who are fooled by the subtlety of Satan. They are enacting Satanic rites while
               believing they are acting in a manner pleasing and acceptable to Yahweh.

               Over the years I have developed a sensitivity to rites, symbols, and traditions that have no clear
               Biblical precedent. There is  no  mention anywhere in  the  Scriptures of Yahweh instructing the
               Israelites, or of Yahshua commanding His disciples, to observe the Sabbath with candle lighting
               rituals, with incantations, and with the various traditions that are practiced by orthodox Judaism
               today. As the previous chapters of this book have revealed through the examination of the Hanukkah
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