Page 107 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 107

and disciple of some similar occult group, these individuals are often attracted to Hebrew Roots
               without realizing that they are falling into the same Luciferian deception that they now openly
               renounce and believe they have escaped.

               William Schnoebelen, a former Satanist, Wiccan warlock, and high level Freemason has written
               numerous books on the occult since his conversion to Christianity. He professes to have been a 32 nd
               degree Mason and a Shriner, and shares a photo of himself in his Shriner’s fez as evidence. His book
               Masonry: Beyond the Light reveals a deep understanding of the rites and doctrines of Freemasonry.
               He was a member of Anton LaVey’s Satanist church and taught Wicca for 16 years prior to his
               conversion. When he speaks of the occult he does so with a deep background of its Luciferian secrets.

               In the book Masonry: Beyond the Light, Schnoebelen shares the following statements.

               Few people, within the Craft of Masonry or otherwise, perceive that just because a Bible lies open
               on the altar and Bible verses and characters play an important part in the ritual of the Lodge, that
               this does not prevent the Lodge from being of the nature of the occult or Witchcraft.

               This can be illustrated by a very simple illustration. Back in the 1970’s, when I first became a Witch,
               a very popular how-to book on magic was Raymond Buckland’s “Popular Candle-Burning.” In this
               book were "recipes" for spells for everything from healing, to love spells, to protection spells. On one
               set of pages of the book would be a spell for healing, complete with instructions on the burning and
               movement of certain colored candles. The spell would be a full-blown Witchcraft ritual, Pagan to the

               On the following pages would be the same ritual, with the same candles, the same instructions.
               However, the text of the "spell" would be drawn from the Psalms or other Bible verses. These were
               provided for readers who were a little too squeamish to actually do a Witchcraft incantation, but still
               wanted results.

               Now the question becomes: Even though those rituals were full of Psalms, were they still Witchcraft?
               Of  course,  the  answer  would  have  to  be  yes.  In  like  manner,  even  though  Bible  phrases  and
               characters abound in the Masonic ritual work, the presence of those elements cannot somehow
               "sanctify" what is essentially a Pagan ritual full of Witchcraft overtones.
               [End Excerpt]

               This is a very revealing statement, and it has much to do with our present study. If a person takes a
               candle-burning ritual from witchcraft and modifies it by replacing the words of the rite with verses
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