Page 106 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 106
Sabbath Summoning
Sabbath Candle Lighting
Satan is a master of disguise. His success lies in his cunning; his evil genius to make darkness appear
as light, and light as darkness. Satan understands that most men and women will not openly embrace
evil, or declare their affinity to a being that comes only to kill, steal and destroy. The Aleister
Crowley’s and Anton LaVey’s of the world (both open disciples of Satan) are few in comparison to
those who want to appear good to others. Consequently, the number of people publicly embracing
Satan worship are relatively small whereas those involved in Wicca, which portrays itself as “white
witchcraft” and whose practitioners style themselves as “workers of light,” are much greater in
number. These ones deny that they serve or worship Satan, and many are sincerely ignorant of
Wicca’s Luciferian associations.
Similarly, Kabbalah and Freemasonry wear a thin disguise, hiding the fact that their god is in fact
Lucifer, that fallen angel who rebelled against Yahweh and was cast out of heaven. Freemasonry
intentionally lies to initiates at the lower levels of the Lodge, informing them that Masonry is a
“Christian” organization that is not in any measure incompatible with the Lodge member’s church
affiliation or beliefs. Similarly, Kabbalah pretends to be compatible with either Judaism or
Christianity, depending on the adherent’s core set of beliefs. Only at the highest levels of Kabbalah
and Freemasonry is the Luciferian nature of these occult teachings openly declared.
Cloaking themselves with an even more convincing costume, both Talmudic Judaism and Roman
Catholicism have persuaded vast numbers that they are the true servants of God and of His Christ,
respectively. Yet if Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism are to be credited with a masterful
disguise, an even deeper cover shrouds the apostasy and idolatry of the Messianic and Hebrew Roots
movement. They are several layers removed from any direct association with the worship and service
of Satan, yet when one patiently peels away the layers of subterfuge they find the same Luciferian
doctrines, rites, symbols, and practices present which exist in the more open and readily discoverable
forms of Satan worship.
As I began to penetrate the layers of deception that mask the true nature of the rites, symbols and
traditions being embraced by many in the Hebrew Roots movement, a surprising revelation unfolded
before me. I began to observe that there is a significant attraction to the elements and practices of the
Hebrew Roots movement for people who have formerly been engaged in the occult. Whether the
individual was a Freemason, a Kabbalist, a practitioner of Wicca (modern witchcraft), or a student