Page 105 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 105

are two choices which their signs loudly proclaim: Either NO FEE EXCHANGE, where they charge
               no fee but the exchange rate is exorbitant, or LOW EXCHANGE RATE, where the rate is very good,
               but the large fee takes away all savings. We opted for the third choice which was spend the last of
               our shekels on something in an airport store (at double price). I think we bought a couple boxes of
               hyssop, which upon reading the ingredients turned out to be thyme (with some sesame seeds), if I
               remember right.

               I found the experiences of this brother in Yahshua to be highly revelatory of the condition of the Land
               of Israel and the people who occupy the land today. It is a land filled with demons, just as it was in
               the day when Yahshua walked there. There is also great spiritual darkness. Both apostate Judaism and
               apostate Christianity have staked their claims to various sites, many of which are spurious. There is
               also a very active secular element with its open homosexuality and sexual promiscuity. On top of this,
               there is the Illuminati/Zionist influence as is evidenced by the Israeli Supreme Court building paid
               for and designed by the Rothschild family.


               Satan is the god of this world, and has brought great darkness to the earth while calling it light. Let
               us take hope as we recognize that the hour is near at hand when Yahshua will return. All Israel will
               be saved, and the kingdoms of the world will become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ.

               Let us pray that the eyes of the blind might be opened, for many have been taken captive by Satan to
               do his will through ignorance.
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