Page 26 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 26

Temple? Even so, the man may go into his wife of his free will, but he must also make
               himself available to the needs of his wife, whether it be his desire to do so, or not.

                       I Corinthians 7:4-5
                       The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And
                       likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.
                       Do  not  deprive one another except with consent for  a time, that you may give
                       yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not
                       tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

                     People of God, let me conclude this portion of teaching by leaving your attention upon
               the thought of the great holiness Yahweh attaches to these matters. The innermost chamber
               of the Temple and Tabernacle that man could enter into was called The Most Holy Place,
               and The Holy of Holies. Similarly, the innermost chamber of the woman that man can enter
               into is to be viewed with the same sanctity. It is Most Holy!
                     No one who has a remnant of the Holy Spirit of God can treat as common that which
               Yahweh  has  called  the  holiest  of  all.  May  we  weep  and  grieve  over  the  tremendous
               uncleanness of the people of God today! We have treated as common that which is most
               holy. May Yahweh grant His people repentance, and establish them in righteousness and
               holiness of the truth.
                     End Note: Some may find it objectionable to speak of the work of Christ in terms of
               sexual union. Do not the objections arise because the people of God have had their thoughts
               altered to view sex as something common, or even unholy? It is specifically with the goal
               in mind that the church should begin to see sexual union as MOST HOLY that I am bold
               enough to make these comparisons. My desire is not to bring Christ down, but rather to
               raise man up to a place where he esteems as holy that which God calls holy.
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