Page 25 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 25

we act promiscuously, going outside of the marriage covenant to have sexual relations? It
               is nothing other than a picture of idolatry.

                       Deuteronomy 13:6-9
                       "If your brother, your mother's son, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish,
                       or your friend who is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying, 'Let us go and
                       serve other gods...' you shall not yield to him or listen to him; and your eye shall not
                       pity him, nor shall you spare or conceal him. But you shall surely kill him...”

                     Yahweh would abide no other gods in his presence. He would not permit His people
               to worship any beside Him. In the same way, the union of a man and woman is to be
               inviolable. There is to be no breach of the covenant. A man and woman thus joined in a
               marriage covenant, are to have intercourse with no others as long as they shall live.

                       Leviticus 20:10
                       If there is a man who commits adultery with another man's wife, one who commits
                       adultery with his friend's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put
                       to death.

                     The physical transgression of adultery is a symbol of the spiritual transgression of
               idolatry. The punishment for both is the same. The testimony of the man and woman has
               not changed in this age of grace. Adultery is still adultery. The woman’s body is yet a holy
               Tabernacle reserved only for one to enter into.
                     Consider that when a man goes into his virgin bride that a blood covenant is cut. We
               observed previously that the man’s reproductive organ is the one marked by God as the
               covenant organ. The sign of circumcision is found there. It is the same for the woman. Even
               as a man experiences a tearing of the flesh and a flow of blood during circumcision, so too
               is the virgin’s flesh torn resulting in a flow of blood when she has her first sexual experience.
                     The covenant organ of the man literally carries the blood of the woman into the inner
               chamber. In this way, as High Priest, he is reenacting the work of Christ who as High Priest
               entered in through the veil and placed His own blood upon the mercy seat. The man and
               wife are “one flesh,” and woman was formed from a remnant taken from man’s body,
               therefore the man is bringing his OWN blood into the place God has called holy.
                     In the act of first sexual union, a blood covenant is cut. It is a covenant that cannot be
               broken. The life is in the blood, and the covenant is in force as long as there is life present
               in those so joined.
                     Do you see, that what Yahweh has designed is far greater than some earthly contract?
               Marriage is far more than a compact to establish a relationship of mutual benefit that can
               be ended when either party determines that the benefit has ended. Marriage is a sacred and
               holy covenant. It is a covenant in blood. The union of the man and woman is Most Holy.
                     Many more parallels could be cited, for Yahweh with great skill, wisdom, and purpose
               has designed the physical human body to give testimony of the mysteries of the kingdom
               of God. Was not the Temple located on the Temple Mound? Even so the entrance to the
               woman’s holy place is through the pubic mound.
                     Did not the male Priest bring the grain offering into the Temple and Tabernacle? Even
               so man brings his “seed” into the tabernacle of the woman’s body.
                     Did not the Priest present free will offerings, as well as mandatory offerings in the
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