Page 24 - The Marriage Covenant
P. 24
This is a great mystery. Those who are “in Christ” can now enter in through the veil
freely. There is no longer any restriction. By Christ yielding up His Spirit, His Spirit was
enabled to be imparted to mankind. We receive the seed of Christ even as a woman receives
the seed of man. Both are attended with the rending of a veil. Once the veil is rent, then
there is free (unrestricted) access from that moment forward.
Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy,
and find grace to help in time of need.
We can enter “boldly,” that is to say, without fear. What is this place spoken of by the
apostle in Hebrews? Where does one “obtain mercy” except at the Mercy Seat, which was
located above the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies?
The first time a virgin has sexual relations there is some pain involved. Even so, Christ
endured pain, and his mother (the VIRGIN Mary) who witnessed His crucifixion, had a
sword pierce her own heart. Yet after the first experience of entry, there is a new freedom.
Indeed, there is a great joy and pleasure upon entry from that time forward.
Hebrews 12:2
Fixing our eyes on Yahshua, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set
before Him endured the cross...*
* See end note.
There are great mysteries surrounding the sexual union of a man and a woman. I
must leave many of them for your own contemplation. People of God, seeing that Yahweh
has designed the union of the man and woman to demonstrate such profound and holy
matters, should not the union be treated with the greatest reverence and regard? Should we
not seek to keep the union of a man and woman inviolate? What are we truly testifying if