Page 33 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 33

they must be willing to do so if it is God’s will for them. Paul said that he knew how to be
               content with poverty (humble means), but he also knew how to be content with prosperity.
               The heart of the matter is just what has been stated repeatedly, the saints must be content
               with allowing God the Father to choose what HIS provision is for them, and to be at rest
               with HIS timing and HIS provision. They cannot demand their own way.
                     In this chapter I am focusing mostly upon the beast nature’s demands to have homes
               and lands, etc., for this is what the majority of saints have given themselves to pursue. There
               are not many who go to excess in the opposite direction, demanding that they live in an
               impoverished way, treating their bodies very strictly and denying themselves all pleasure,
               but this too is error.

                       Colossians 2:20-23
                       If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you
                       were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, "Do not handle,
                       do not taste, do not touch!" (which all refer to things destined to perish with use) --
                       in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These are matters
                       which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-
                       abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly

                     There are a small minority of saints who have erred in the opposite direction of the
               majority. This minority glory in their self-abasement and severe treatment of the body. Paul
               says that such things have an “appearance of wisdom,” for it appears that they are not
               serving self, but God. Yet Paul reveals where the error lies in these saints as well. He states
               that these are not truly wise for their appearance of wisdom is based in “self-made religion
               and self-abasement.”
                     These ones, whom Paul equally condemns with those who give themselves over to the
               pursuit of pleasure, are missing the mark for they are still SELF directed. They are not
               content to wait upon God and to receive WHATEVER He has for them, but they will only
               receive poverty and self-abasement. Paul said he was content with poverty, but also with
               prosperity, with hunger and with being filled, with suffering need and with having an
               abundance. Those who are conformed to the image of the divine are content with what God
               chooses for them.
                     To be sure, most saints are erring on the side of covetousness, not self-abasement, but
               both are equally sinful for both originate in self. Those who are mature reflections of Christ
               have crucified the flesh and self and they live to do the will of God. They are content with
               whatever He provides and they will not stretch out their hand to satisfy their natural
               appetites apart from the will of God. Neither will they refuse to receive what God would
               provide for them in order to glory in their self-abasement.
                     Discipleship is surrender to the will of another, and this surrender of the will is where
               the cost of discipleship lies. There is a high cost to discipleship, and for this reason Yahshua
               urges all who would follow Him to count the cost. He promises no man or woman houses
               and lands, but He would urge all to be content with whatever the Father chooses for them.
               This then is a real sticking point. Can you be content with whatever the Father chooses for
               you,  or  do  you  have  certain  requirements,  desires,  wants,  or  demands  that  are  non-
               negotiable? Will you say to God, “I will give you a part of my life, but I reserve a portion of
               it?” Remember, Christ said that no man can serve both God and mammon.
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