Page 34 - The Mark of the Beast
P. 34

Yes, these things are radical, and the early church was very radical, and they shone
               forth as a brilliant light for a season. The beast suffered a mortal wound, but the wound has
               healed and the beast has returned and has offered the church a ride on its back.

                       Revelation 13:3-4
                       I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the
                       whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; they worshiped the dragon
                       because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying,
                       "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?"

                     When Christ was crucified and rose again Satan received a mortal blow. The early
               church subdued and ruled over the beast nature. They were completely set free from a
               slavery to their natural appetites. They were transformed from consumers to radiators of
               light and life. They knew the glorious liberty of possessing nothing but Christ. However, the
               saints failed to continue subduing and ruling over the beast nature. They began to worship
               the dragon, Satan, the serpent, once more. By cunning he convinced them that they could
               be disciples of Christ while allowing the beast to live. He convinced them that the beast
               would even carry them to their goal and they could live harmoniously with the beast nature.
                     There are many carnal interpretations of what this passage from Revelation 13 speaks.
               Many prophecy teachers see the beast as some political ruler who will arise and make war
               against Christianity, but let me declare that the beast has been present for  the entire
               duration of Christianity and he has waged war with many saints, and few have overcome
               him. Many are the saints who have been defeated through great deception and cunning, as
               they have failed to subdue and rule over the beast nature. They have believed that they
               could live for self and for God, that they could offer God a portion of their lives while
               maintaining a sizeable piece for themselves, that they might find pleasure and satisfaction
               in the offerings of the world.
                     Are you willing to allow the Spirit to shine a light upon your life, upon your spending
               habits and your accumulation of the goods of this world? Are you willing to give up all your
               possessions should Christ require this of you as He did of the rich young ruler? Would you
               be content with food and covering, not even demanding that which the beasts have, your
               own nest, your own den? Christ admonishes all to count the cost before declaring that they
               will follow Him wherever He would lead. If you would bear the image of the divine, then the
               nature of the beast must be ruled over and subdued.
                     Many cling tenaciously to the things of this world, to possessions that they own, for
               they do not know a love of Christ and of the brethren that should make such things appear
               pale in comparison. If you are not wholly captivated by Christ, you will be captivated by
               lesser things. On the other hand, if your love of Christ is pure and unadulterated, then the
               things of this world will be as nothing to you. You will not covet them, or spend your life,
               your time, and energy in pursuit of accumulating matter.
                     Christ came to set men free, and those whom the Son sets free are free indeed.
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