Page 35 - The Gate and the Way
P. 35

People of God, I am not a bold or courageous person. God chose one of the most timid,
               fearful, weak, and anxious of all men when He claimed me as His son. I have often been in
               fear and trembling and great anxiety as I have viewed the afflicted path before me. Christ
               has come to me at such times and given me great comfort and encouragement. Yahshua has
               held me to the course and preserved me through many perils.
                     For years, as I followed the leading of the Spirit of Christ, I did not know from one day
               to the next where my family’s provision would come from. I found such an existence to be
               exceedingly taxing. Yahweh did not choose this path to torment me. Rather, He desired to
               set me free from the giants of fear and unbelief. I would not have personally chosen to face
               these giants. I would have avoided them if I could, but I am grateful that my Father had my
               highest good in mind, and He would not relent despite my many pleas.
                     I have faced physical trials of health in my body, and among family members, and
               have been instructed by the Spirit to look to Him for healing. When I was diabetic, and later
               had a heart attack, the Spirit would not permit me to seek medical care. These things were
               for my chastening, and I had to bear up under them patiently while trusting my life to the
               hands of my heavenly Father.
                     As I have followed Christ wherever He would lead I have been brought into conflict
               with many other saints. I have been rejected by ministers, put out of churches, and have had
               my wife and son depart from me. Other ministers and Christians have vilified me, and used
               their ministry platforms to launch attacks against my character and my teachings. I have
               accepted poverty during many seasons of this walk, and have been in lack often. Twice I
               have been jailed. I have faced the threat of having all my possessions taken from me by
               force. In all these things I had to choose to yield my soul’s desires to whatever the Father
               should choose for me to experience.
                     It is evident that our Father often chooses for those who follow in Christ’s steps to
               suffer. We should “think it not strange.” As we respond to each new trial with faith, grace,
               patience, forgiveness, and love we will find that Christ is formed more fully in us. This is
               Yahweh’s purpose. He wants us to share His image and likeness. We are matured through
               those things we suffer.
                     I am no glutton for suffering. Yet, the Spirit of Christ has shown me that none can
               come to maturity in Christ apart from accepting that path He has chosen for them. All must
               yield their lives to the direction of the Holy Spirit. We must not shrink back. We all have
               need of endurance so that after we have done the will of God we can receive that which is
                     In Gethsemane the Father presented to His Son a bitter cup of suffering from which
               He was to drink. Christ’s soul had to be crushed as unto death in order for Him to accept
               that which His Father chose for Him. The Father is offering the same cup to His sons and
               daughters today. The apostles understood that it is an honor to be invited to drink from the
               same cup as Christ. They rejoiced that they were counted worthy to do so.
                     Will you accept the invitation to drink from Christ’s cup? Will you become a partaker
               in His sufferings?

                       Must Jesus bear the cross alone
                       And all the world go free?
                       No, there's a cross for ev'ryone,
                       And there's a cross for me.
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