Page 38 - The Gate and the Way
P. 38

exists in their hearts toward those who are Christ’s disciples. A man cannot serve God and
               mammon. Despite this clear declaration of Christ, the vast majority of Christians today are
               trying to do that which He testified to be impossible. Most Christians are attempting to
               serve God and to pursue material prosperity at the same time. Little do they realize that in
               doing so they are adopting a mindset that is antagonistic toward Christ and His disciples.
               Such ones are at risk of becoming the persecutors of the righteous while thinking they are
               doing God a favor.

                       Luke 16:13-15
                       “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other,
                       or  else  he  will  hold  to  one,  and  despise  the  other.  You  cannot  serve  God  and
                       mammon.”  Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these
                       things, and they were scoffing at [Yahshua]. And He said to them,  “You are those
                       who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts.”

                     There are many pharisees in the church today. Many of them appear as the most
               righteous and devoted of all believers. They sit in the best seats, and are given honor, for the
               leaders of the churches favor those who exude a material prosperity and worldly success.
                     The Scriptures, personal experience, and the witness of the Spirit of Christ, all lead me
               to conclude that much of the suffering, reproaches, and persecution that will accrue to those
               who surrender to follow Christ in this hour will arise from those who profess to follow
               Christ while pursuing material prosperity. Christ will lead many of His sons and daughters
               to embrace a path where most, if not all, of their material possessions must be left behind.
               Having a house, or a nest of their own will no longer be a certainty. Those who follow Christ
               will of necessity need to manifest a contentment with whatever God chooses for them.
               There will be periods of lack. Food will not be present in the same abundance as former
               days, nor the comforts of life that so many take for granted.
                     Those who esteem such things will become critical of those whose pursuit of obedience
               to Christ has replaced a pursuit of the material. Family members, church leaders, fellow
               saints, and the members of a materialistic society will all scorn those whose lives appear to
               be  cursed  with  poverty.  Men  and  women  will  receive  condemnation  for  not  giving
               themselves to a pursuit of mammon. They will be vilified as lacking compassion for their
               family members, of being lazy, prideful, or spiritually deluded.
                     I am at this very moment aware of saints who are entering into times of material lack
               as they labor to follow Christ with all their hearts. God has certainly ordered their steps. He
               has promised not to forsake them. He will provide them their daily needs, but what God has
               defined as man’s need is very different from man’s definition.

                       I Timothy 6:8
                       And if we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.

                     Remember once more the Scripture we reviewed in the previous chapter.

                       Luke 6:20-26
                       And turning His gaze on His disciples, He began to say, “Blessed are you who are
                       poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall
                       be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you
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