Page 31 - The Gate and the Way
P. 31

Sharers in Christ’s Sufferings

                     The union of Christ and His body is a great mystery. Much has been written and
               preached regarding the oneness of Christ and those saints who comprise His body. One
               aspect of our identification with Christ that has been largely neglected, especially in this late
               hour at the end of the age, is the church becoming one with Yahshua in His suffering.
                     The apostles were not averse to speaking openly about this aspect of our union with
               Christ. They actually had much to say on the subject.

                       II Corinthians 1:5
                       For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is
                       abundant through Christ.

                     Now, if Paul had said “the riches of Christ are ours in abundance,” or “the pleasures
               of Christ are ours in abundance,” we could be certain that this passage would be one of the
               most quoted in this hour of sensuality. Yet, that is not what the apostle declares. He says,
               “the SUFFERINGS of Christ are ours in abundance.”
                     Consider carefully what is being stated. Paul is not speaking of any and all suffering.
               He is speaking specifically of the sufferings of Christ. These are afflictions and sorrows and
               trials that are uniquely associated with the Son of God. Let us define these sufferings that
               Paul is talking about.
                     The sufferings of Christ are those sufferings which arise as the will of man comes into
               conflict with the revealed will of God. Christ ALWAYS chose to do the will of the Father. He
               testified that He did not come to please Himself. The will of God will not lead us to the same
               experiences we would choose for ourselves. Christ was not born in a mansion. Yahweh did
               not give His Son a great reputation among the people. Quite the contrary. The Jewish
               leaders accused Yahshua of being born illegitimately, of being a Samaritan (mixed race), of
               having a demon.
                     The Father did not choose for His Son to walk in a position of worldly power and
               prestige. Christ had no great ministry center. He had no wealth, or political influence. He
               came to His own, and His own received Him not. Yahweh chose for His Son to perform His
               ministry as a wanderer, a poor man who was homeless. The foxes had holes, and the birds
               of the air had nests, but the Son of man had nowhere to lay His head.
                     Yahshua is a pattern for the body of Christ. Whenever any man or woman accepts the
               invitation of Christ, when they begin to walk as His disciple, they will be brought to this
               form of suffering that is unique to Christ. They must act as if they hate their own soul in
               order to follow in Yahshua’s steps.

                       Luke 14:26
                       “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate... even his own life (psuche - soul), he
                       cannot be My disciple.”

                     The apostle Paul most certainly has this form of suffering in mind when he declares
               that “the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance.” You cannot  be  Christ’s  disciple
               without experiencing the suffering that arises as your own soul’s desires are denied that the
               will of the Father might be accomplished. The disparity between man’s desires and the
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