Page 27 - The Divine Quest
P. 27

Page 24

               If the Spirit is capable of giving us the very words we need to speak in the moment
               that such words are necessary, then how will He not also give us guidance in every
               decision and in every judgment? Yahshua is instructing the saints to not try to decide
               for themselves what they will say. They are not to apply their human reasoning to
               such matters and judge what would be appropriate. He is instead telling them to
               yield themselves to the Spirit in that moment. We are to practice such yielded lives
               moment by moment.

               Our senses and our rational mind will not lead us to the will of God for us. They
               stand as an obstacle to a true walk of faith in most instances. Some years back I
               attended a church where a pastor had been called to shepherd the body and lead
               them into the things of God. The Lord allowed me to have a close relationship with
               this man, and, after he had been at this church for about a year, he asked me to
               accompany him on an overnight stay to some type of teaching event. We shared a
               room together and were able to share things that were on our hearts.

               This man had a wife and three children and they were all living in small rented
               quarters. He shared with me that he had a desire to purchase a house in a town
               closer to the church, but that he had been holding off because he was unsure of his
               future and the future of the church. His decision to remain in his small rented
               quarters was arrived at by examining things with his senses and making a rational

               The  Spirit  strongly  convicted  me  that  the  decision  of  this  pastor  was  a  carnal
               decision, and that if he did not have faith for God to do a work through this body of
               believers, that as a shepherd of the people he would be unable to lead them into the
               plans God had for them. The Spirit showed me that the issue of the house that this
               man desired was something God had brought him to in order to reveal the unbelief
               in his heart. If he could not trust God to work through this people, and this lack of
               trust was keeping him from purchasing the home he desired, then his unbelief would
               have a disastrous effect upon the body. The Spirit led me to share with this man
               concerning these things, and he felt the conviction of the Spirit.

               Not long afterwards this pastor came to me and shared that the Spirit had convicted
               him in this matter, and that he had decided, as an act of faith in God’s desire and
               willingness to work through this people, to buy a house in the community. He was
               excited about this decision because it was a desire of his heart to have a home, and
               he knew the witness of the Spirit in it.

               The Spirit led him to a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood. The house was a
               dream home to him, far beyond what he had expected to find, and I was myself
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