Page 31 - The Divine Quest
P. 31

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               Genesis 12:1-4
               Now Yahweh said to Abram, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives
               and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you
               a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be
               a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will
               curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."   So Abram went forth
               as Yahweh had spoken to him.

               Hearing from God is a necessary part of a life of faith. Without hearing there can be
               no true faith. Many are teaching a type of faith today that lacks this vital necessity of
               hearing God give us direction. Many are teaching a false faith that originates in
               man’s own mind and imagination. They encourage the saints to envision the things
               they want and then stand in confidence, claiming that they have these things. Elwin
               Roach wrote regarding this type of teaching:

                       Some have called this type of faith the “Prosperity Message,” although
                       in less favorable circles it has been called “Name it and Claim it,” “Bless
                       it and Confess it,” “Blab it and Grab it,” or “What the Heck, Write the

                       It is one thing to have the Faith of God as a result of an impregnation of
                       His  anointed  word,  which  will  move  mountains,  but  it  is  entirely
                       another matter when a man carves an image in his positive-thinking
                       mind and calls it faith, and then holds God ransom with the written
                       word which his carnal mind has little or no understanding of. This, dear
                       reader, is not faith, not even in the farthest stretch of the imagination.
                       It is presumption, and God is not obligated to pay up!

               Many of the saints today have built upon the shifting sands of a false faith doctrine.
               Its teachings rest upon a belief in a principle of faith. It is taught that if one can work
               up enough confidence to believe something when they ask for it in prayer, then they
               will be assured of having their request. The key to this type of faith is the ability of
               man to believe something. The saints are told that if they can conceive something,
               and believe in its fulfillment, then they can have it.

               This is not the type of faith that Abraham demonstrated. Abraham did not think to
               himself one day, “I sure am tired of this city of Ur. I would like to live somewhere far
               away from here, so I think I will take my wife and hit the road, and I will trust God
               to  protect  me  and  bless  me  in  my  journey.”  No!  Abraham  did  not  initiate  this
               journey.  We  read  where  Yahweh  spoke  to  him  and  gave  him  a  command.  So
               Abraham’s faith began with hearing. The literal translation of Romans 10:17 is, “So
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