Page 30 - The Divine Quest
P. 30

The Divine Quest                     Page 27

               Faith Comes by Hearing

               Perhaps the single greatest source of comfort that I have had as God’s Spirit has
               directed our family to an ever expanding walk of faith, has been found in dwelling
               upon the things God has spoken to us. The Spirit has directed us down paths that
               bring fear to the natural man, and this fear has to be dealt with and overcome. By
               meditating upon the words Yahweh has spoken to me I have time after time been
               brought to a place of peace, and I have felt the nagging fear and anxiety that was
               coming against me dissipate. Sometimes it has dissipated just enough to allow me
               the courage to continue on the path of obedience, with fear and trembling. At other
               times as I have meditated upon the things God has spoken to me, all fear and anxiety
               has fled away, giving way to a peace that surpasses understanding.

               I am confident that complete peace is the portion and inheritance of the overcomer
               in Christ. Yet it is a place to be attained by warfare and perseverance. It is something
               that we must grow in, and as we arise to meet the challenges before us, entrusting
               ourselves into the hands of a loving God who cares for us, we will find ourselves
               gaining a greater confidence and a more sure peace.

               Spiritual hearing is a key factor in the process of our growth in faith. On the one
               hand, we must hear the voice of the Spirit speak to us to lead us into the walk of faith
               that He has chosen for us. We are not to be presumptuous and choose a path of faith
               for ourselves, foolishly putting God to the test. God is not obligated to come through
               for us in our need if He has not led us to the test of faith before us. We must know
               that  God’s  Spirit  has  directed  us  to  the  particular  course  of  obedience  we  are
               pursuing. If we have no assurance of having heard God’s voice in some matter of
               obedience, then we have nothing to stand upon.

               The Spirit first revealed this to me many years ago as I contemplated the life of
               Abraham. Abraham is called “the father of faith,” and his life is recorded for our
               instruction. Abraham was only able to walk in faith as he heard from God. Consider
               a few events of his life.

               God called Abraham to leave his father’s household and to journey to a land he did
               not know. He was called out of Ur of the Chaldees, and out of Haran, to go forth into
               the land Yahweh promised to him and his descendants. Abraham heard the voice of
               God calling him to journey forth, and this voice of instruction provided the impetus
               necessary to respond with faith and obedience. The Scriptures are clear that Yahweh
               called Abraham, and gave him instruction in this matter.
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