Page 28 - Sarah's Children
P. 28

The greatest trial is always in the act of deciding. When we think we might escape the
               will of God by any other means our flesh yet has hope. When we hear the Father say,
               "This is the only way", it is like a sentence of death. We agonize and cry out, "Father,
               if there is any other way... please Father let this cup pass from me!"

               I know there is much in the first two chapters of this book that seems dreadful and
               so very unreasonable. Why should woman be subject to man, after all? Yet, in this,
               please note that the Father is not so interested in woman being subjected to man as
               He is in bringing woman to the place of dying that life might come forth. What better
               way to bring forth death than to ask women to do something that seems totally

               I hear the objections in the silence. What is required of woman is unfair. A woman
               has a perfectly good mind, why should she not be free to choose her own way? A
               woman is capable of making her own decisions, why should she have to submit to her
               husband’s will? A woman can sense right from wrong very well, why should she
               remain silent when her husband is in gross disobedience? A woman has her own life,
               why should she not live to fulfill her own desires?

               It is unreasonable and unfair, plain and simple. Yet it is the revealed will of God.

               Remember, it was also the will of God that His perfect Son, who was well pleasing
               to Him in every way, should suffer for sins He did not commit. It was the Father’s
               will for His only begotten Son to receive in His body the penalty for every sin of
               mankind when He Himself was a spotless and pure lamb. This was unfair. There is
               no reasonable law that demands that the innocent pay the consequences for the sins
               of the wicked. Yet this was the Father’s will.

                       Isaiah 53:10
                       But Yahweh was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief; if He would
                       render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring...

               It is the Father’s good will to crush every one of us, and if we will allow it we will also
               see the fruit of our obedience.

               There is no other way. The pathway to life is through the valley of death.

               If you are debating right now whether the things written in the first two chapters of
               this book could possibly be right, if you have already concluded that the author must
               certainly be deceived in some way, I would have you to consider this:

                       What  has  been  written  will  require  every  woman  to  go
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