Page 29 - Sarah's Children
P. 29
through a crushing process. Denying what has been written
will free every woman from this same process. The will of
the Father is that we all be crushed that the oil of anointing
might overflow from our lives bringing life to others. There
is a Gethsemane that lies between each one of us and an
overcoming life.
Yahshua pleaded, “If there be any other way, let this cup pass from Me.” Yet no other
way was offered, and our Savior asks us to take up our cross and follow Him. He
overcame, and in Him we also can overcome. Don’t be surprised that the way seems
exceedingly grievous and that our flesh cries out with everything it has to not go this
way. When you come to this place of wrestling with the will of God, you can know
with a surety that you are where the Father has led you. You are in the olive press.
I have heard the sincere questions of a number of women. “What if a husband asks
his wife to do something she finds repulsive?” “What if a man physically and
mentally abuses his wife or daughter?” “What if a man is not fulfilling his role as the
spiritual shepherd in the home?” “What if the man is pursuing a course that is
undeniably ungodly?”
These are not just rhetorical questions. These things actually occur, and they happen
all too frequently. In my own spirit I feel sickened when I hear of the cruel and
wicked things done to wives and daughters by fallen men. I feel anger rise up within,
and at times I cry out, “Father, how could You allow this to happen?”
I remember listening to a woman speaking to a group about the abuse she suffered
from her father when she was a young girl. This girl loved her daddy, and when her
parents divorced she chose to go and live with her father. She was only about thirteen
years of age at the time, and her dad would have her share the same bed with him so
they could be close.
Over time, however, this girl’s father began treating her as a substitute for his wife.
He began to touch her sexually, and then eventually to have intercourse with her.
This young girl described how tortured she was in her mind and how she felt guilty
about the relationship, thinking she must have done something wrong to bring it
about. For a number of years this father abused his daughter and he devastated her
life with his ungodly behavior.
I watched this attractive young woman share about these things as tears streamed
down her face. I thought of an innocent young girl who loved her daddy, yet her
daddy betrayed her love. Inside I cried out, “Why God?” “Why did you allow it to